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Humble Weekly Sale: Codemasters
Overlord + Raising Hell DLC
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Rise of the Argonauts
Dirt Showdown
Dirt 3
Overlord II
All Steam keys. Dirt 3 seems to still be using GFWL, but should be removing it at some point. Operation Flashpoint: Red River uses GFWL, but I don't know if there's any plan to remove it.
Humble Weekly Sale: Codemasters
Overlord + Raising Hell DLC
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Rise of the Argonauts
Dirt Showdown
Dirt 3
Overlord II
All Steam keys. Dirt 3 seems to still be using GFWL, but should be removing it at some point. Operation Flashpoint: Red River uses GFWL, but I don't know if there's any plan to remove it.