
General Horror Films & TV Discussion Thread


Rasslin' Rambler
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Mankato, MN
Oh, and fuck a F13 prequel. Gimme Jason killing camp counselors or get the fuck outta here.

...unless it's about Pamela's first massacre...
I wonder if there would be a way to explore events between Friday part one and two, or is that too far off the legal terrain. Maybe where the lore of Jason kinda technically should start, after Pamela dies.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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Maybe we can go back to 2 and find out what the hell happened to Paul.


Trailer Park Supervisor
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I hate Jamie Kennedy in pretty much everything but Scream 1 and 2 (I don't really count his taped appearance in 3).

I actually think they would've been better off keeping him alive for another movie at least. They weren't ever able to fully replicate his character (which was kinda vital to the vibe) despite trying multiple times. I actually think he would've had more value than Courtney Cox (who has added nothing the last few movies).

Columbine killed the Scream franchise for me though. Them having to totally re-write and tame down the movie put the franchise on a bad path. The original story of Stuart leading a cult of high school students in Woodsboro would've been so much better than Hollywood Scream.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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And the prankster guy that never dies in the movie because he stays at the bar. Did he seal the deal with the bartender?
And where was Muffin and who was the doppelganger?

I love that movie but man it has problems that aren't present in later entries.


Rasslin' Rambler
Reaction score
Mankato, MN
So did a trio of recent new release films yesterday at home to celebrate Halloween......

VHS 99: I think I liked this much better than the 94 version, but it's still a far cry from the first few VHS films. Much better than VHS Viral for sure. My main issue with this one was the terribly pointless wraparound segments between the story. Usually there's some theme or point to all of that. This time around it felt like filler with no real meaning at all behind it.

Slayers: Right up there with Jeepers Creepers Reborn as the worst horror film of the year., if you could even call this horror. It's more a bad comedy that tries to be a bad horror sometimes. I went in blind, not even seeing a trailer and that was a huge regret. All I knew was Thomas Jane was a character similar to Woody Harelsson in Zombieland, and Abigal Breslin was in it, again connecting a bit in comparison to ZL. Particularly, the editing in this is annoying and off-putting as it gets. The story behind all this is that Jane (who performs in a career low role here) connects with YouTube influencers to apparently join him in taking out a group of vampires who kind of recuit social media "stars" for their number of followers, I guess to build their empire or something. The influencer characters are as unlikable and obnoxious as fuck, and the way they filmed this and edited it made it look like a YouTube inlfuencer video mixed with video games graphics and other confusing presentation tones. It spends WAY too much time in social media referencing to the point of exhaustion. Just a terribly stupid and embarrasing film that had no right to even be made. Please dont even try with this one, it's all the way VERY bad.

The Lair: Newest film from Neil Marshall, feels a bit at times like Descent as there are Venom/Xenomorph-like subhumanoid creatures within a miliary bunker, teased to be Russian-made. A majority of the film takes place within this enviornment, then moving out of it as the creatures get loose within an Afgani desert. Charlotte Kirk, an actress I was unfamiliar with until now, was the lead and I thought she hit a home run in her role. This was one worth a look at, there's some western aspects, mixed with war, and a heavy sci-fi horror vibe wrapped up within pretty impressive action and effects sequences.


Integral Poster
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Seeing Trick 'r Treat in theaters was cool, but somewhat depressing after an (albeit rain-sodden) barren night of trick or treaters. Even when I was 12 or 13 and finishing up trick or treating career, the roads were swarming with trick or treaters. With that said, I think it really depends on the neighborhood -- it's accessibility, it's friendliness to pedestrians, and the age of its residents. Some of the neighborhoods around here still had that family-friendly block party atmosphere, but I also feel like a lot of people my age with young families who had houses in the 80s and 90s, now have less kids and tend to live in apartments or townhomes, creating a generational void in the trick or treating world.


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
Staff member
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I love re-watching the Bravo! version that aired around the late 2000s for that reason too.
The CW did a 13 Scariest Movies Ever countdown in a similar vein on Halloween night this year. I enjoyed it as much as VH1 Lists as it was... I'm just a sucker for this type of shit.


Integral Poster
Reaction score
The Bravo special is available in full on YouTube. It's still pretty great, although some of the commentators add absolutely nothing and annoy the shit out of me (Looking at you Rob Riggle/Rob Hueble and Coors Light Twins). It introduced me to so many movies.
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Hot Rats
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Perdition City
The Bravo special is available in full on YouTube. It's still pretty great, although some of the commentators add absolutely nothing and annoy the shit out of me (Looking at you Rob Riggle/Rob Hueble and Coors Light Twins). It introduced me to so many movies.
Kim Newman Joe Dante, Stuart Gordon and Ramsey Campbell (amazing horror author) got to talk, so it was worth IMO. Also, if there
is a commentary or interview with Kim Newman on a Blu, I'm watching it. Man is just full of knowledge and enthusiasm for the genre (and his Anarcho-Dracula books are worth reading)


Integral Poster
Reaction score
Kim Newman Joe Dante, Stuart Gordon and Ramsey Campbell (amazing horror author) got to talk, so it was worth IMO. Also, if there
is a commentary or interview with Kim Newman on a Blu, I'm watching it. Man is just full of knowledge and enthusiasm for the genre (and his Anarcho-Dracula books are worth reading)
He pops up on the Evolution of Horror podcast once in a while and is a great listen.

Super Leather

Integral Poster
Reaction score
Oakland, CA
My complete Halloween watchlist:
- Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988)
- X (2022)
- Frankenstein (1931)
- Black Sunday (1960)
- The Mummy (1932)
- Arsenic & Old Lace (1944)
- Cash on Demand (1961)
- Dracula (1931)
- Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)
- Elvira's Haunted Hills (2002)
- Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
- The Wolf Man (1941)
- Halloween Kills (2021)
- The Mummy's Hand (1940)
- Night of the Living Dead (1968)
- The Snorkel (1958)
- Dracula's Daughter (1936)
- Halloween Ends (2022)
- Revenge of the Creature (1955)
- Son of Frankenstein (1939)
- Salem's Lot (1979)
- Werewolf of London (1935)
- An American Werewolf in London (1981)
- The Mummy's Tomb (1942)
- Cat People (1982)
- Dark Glasses (2022)
- Dawn of the Dead (1978)
- Maniac (1963)
- Rosemary's Baby (1968)
- Son of Dracula (1943)
- Dr. Jekyll & Sister Hyde (1971)
- The Creature Walks Among Us (1956)
- Ghost of Frankenstein (1942)
- Hellraiser (2022)
- Trick 'r Treat (2007)
- Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)
- The Mummy's Ghost (1944)
- Zombie (1979)
- Barbarian (2022)
- Never Take Candy from a Stranger (1960)
- House of Dracula (1945)
- These are the Damned (1963)
- House of Frankenstein (1944)
- The Exorcist (1973)
Finished up with...
- She-Wolf of London (1946)
- Halloween (1978)
- Michael Jackson: Thriller (1984)
- The Mummy's Curse (1944)
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
- Day of the Dead (1985)


Rasslin' Rambler
Reaction score
Mankato, MN
So here's something weird, they remade The Strangers but not only that, but already have filmed a TRILOGY of films in a rebooted fashion. Oh yah and Renny Harlon of Elm Street 4 fame directed all fucking three films.



Rasslin' Rambler
Reaction score
Mankato, MN
A quick followup from the Friday the 13th news from Monday, as further clarification has occured and its confirmed essentially that they can use all things Jason in this series, so it will not have to be a prequel to the first film necessarily. They really can do whatever they want with the Jason character and in any timeline era of the canon.

The main point also to note that I've read is that this doesn't necessarily open up a new film quite yet. There is still all kinds of mumbojumbo with movie rights, New Line Cinema appears to be holding the rights but it's not a cut and dry issue. This is probably why they went in this route. I'm still intruiged how they got A24 involved though.



Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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I was thinking earlier and what I would really like for them to do is bring Alice back. Beginning of 2 is the easiest retcon into a dream sequence a horror movie could want and she deserved better as a character, let alone Adrienne King. Do not want her to be Laurie Strode in the slightest but I think a better ending should be in order.

I should just send in my old un-sober scripts.


Integral Poster
Reaction score
To answer a question from earlier.

In the novelization of Part 2 the prankster guy (Stu Charno in the film) does indeed go home with the bartender and is saved from being bludgeoned by Jason

Big Papa Paegan

L. A. Z.
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Music City
An F13 entry where all the survivors band together to conquer their demons at Crystal Lake only for Jason to come back again could be rad. Make Tommy Jarvis the Crazy Ralph in town who desperately tries to save the day.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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Only because this is maybe the only time I will ever have to talk about my old obsessive story ideas and today is very slow:

--Beginning of Part 2 is a recurring nightmare Alice would get. She goes into hiding for her own mental health only to be tricked into confronting all the events since the first movie via a shitty journalist/insane survivor Trish Jarvis in an effort to lure Jason out with the person who killed his mom. Same time, since Crystal Lake is now well known, all kinds of assholes keep showing up because of the murders and to take things as souveniers just like real life. Maybe Crystal Lake embraces the sleazy reputation. Jason ensues.

--The city of Crystal Lake wants to close the camp and make a protected area/memorial to those who were killed and other survivors try to get it torn down and get rid of Jason forever. Protests don't work and the area is made into a memorial museum tourist trap that disturbs Pamela's resting place and making her into an exhibit. Jason ensues.

--After the events of Part 5, Pam from Pinehurst takes control of the facility after one of the trillion lawsuits grants them more money. She's suitably traumatized and paranoid, and has taken to ruling the place with an iron fist out of wanting to make sure nothing happens ever again. Tommy visits and is shocked as Pam is petrified of him because of his seemingly becoming a copycat-of-a-copycat at the end of 5. He tries to fix things but can't, but Pam decides to sneak off to Crystal Lake to confront the fear (she is of course followed by future corpses of young adults). Jason ensues. Tommy is the only one who can save anyone but Pam doesn't trust him, so shit gets horror movie. Ideally in my vision at the time Tommy was engaged to Alice from Nightmare On Elm Street.

--Pay the money, send in Predator, monster fight.


Rasslin' Rambler
Reaction score
Mankato, MN
So took the weekend to binge through all of the Paranormal Activity films via a new box set that came out recently. This was the only way to get a physical copy of the latest one, Next of Kin, as well as the documentary that covered the entire franchise (both are on Paramount Plus too).

Basically in a nutshell, these films get progressively less worthwhile as they go on. The first film was fascinating to find out just how many edits, slight reshoots and tweaking it went through within a three year period to finally get to where it was, and how it really was a true word of mouth type of film was a rare find (although I'd argue Terrifier 2 also would be this way). Parts 2 and 3 held their own in developing the mythology of the entire series, but then things started getting shaky by part 4. I dug the shift in tone with part 5 (Marked Ones) and there was some concepts that really should have been explored further from the questions of this one (such as the teleportation door as an example). Part six was the 3D one, and in terms of the original mythology elements, easily the worst of the bunch. By logic (which isnt exactly a strong point of this franchise) we are now to the point in the story where the Tobi demon character is now supposedly a human entity, so where or even if they go any further in that timeline is anyone's guess. Apparently there is another one set for next year that reconnects back to the original mythos, set in 1992 and exploring the house fire in the sister's home (sometime between 88 and 92 in storyline). Maybe that will end up also being a full on sequel too besides the prequel element, and they finally do a solid sendoff to all of this.

Part 7 was the most recent release and is a borderline Halloween 3 to this franchise. There is no connecting to the Tobi demon, the setting is in an Amish village, and in all aspects, this feels like a standalone film that really had no right to even be listed as a PA film. Jason Blum has gone on record hating it too. Maybe there was elements originally that connected this to more of the lore of the franchise, potentially. It felt like this COULD be a full on sequel to even part six if the demon in this one was a manifestation of Tobi, but there was zero indication that was the intent. All in all though, this was not very endearing and having part of it set in a different environment outside in the winter was a bit fresh and different, but very much underutilized in this one. Super disappointing film and not shocked this skipped a theatrical release.

7. PA 4
6. Ghost Dimension
5. Next of Kin
4. PA 2
3. The Marked Ones
2. PA 3
1. Original PA

Mickey Massuco

Reaction score
Elvis Country
A quick followup from the Friday the 13th news from Monday, as further clarification has occured and its confirmed essentially that they can use all things Jason in this series, so it will not have to be a prequel to the first film necessarily. They really can do whatever they want with the Jason character and in any timeline era of the canon.

The main point also to note that I've read is that this doesn't necessarily open up a new film quite yet. There is still all kinds of mumbojumbo with movie rights, New Line Cinema appears to be holding the rights but it's not a cut and dry issue. This is probably why they went in this route. I'm still intruiged how they got A24 involved though.

Keep on posting the F13 updates brother, I appreciate ‘em.

I would prefer oldass Tommy Jarvis, played by Chris Jericho gets called into fighting Jason ONE LAST MATCHTIME and he’s accompanied by some relatively known but not huge modern day celeb that can get the rocket push.


Rasslin' Rambler
Reaction score
Mankato, MN
Caught Prey for the Devil yesterday on my day off, and.....well.....this actually WASN'T the worst shit that I feared, but it was still pretty "meh." For a PG-13 film, I actually felt this overperformed to a decent level though, but maybe I just had bottom of the barrel expectations. It still had tons of issues and that same formula we see with deadpan exorcism films was here, in fact I think the same filmmaker who did the Last Exorcism also helmed this one. In ways, you could say they are companions to each other in a way. The lead character reminded me of Alice from Elm Street 4/5, that's probably the highest praise I can give it.


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
Staff member
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So took the weekend to binge through all of the Paranormal Activity films via a new box set that came out recently. This was the only way to get a physical copy of the latest one, Next of Kin, as well as the documentary that covered the entire franchise (both are on Paramount Plus too).

Basically in a nutshell, these films get progressively less worthwhile as they go on. The first film was fascinating to find out just how many edits, slight reshoots and tweaking it went through within a three year period to finally get to where it was, and how it really was a true word of mouth type of film was a rare find (although I'd argue Terrifier 2 also would be this way). Parts 2 and 3 held their own in developing the mythology of the entire series, but then things started getting shaky by part 4. I dug the shift in tone with part 5 (Marked Ones) and there was some concepts that really should have been explored further from the questions of this one (such as the teleportation door as an example). Part six was the 3D one, and in terms of the original mythology elements, easily the worst of the bunch. By logic (which isnt exactly a strong point of this franchise) we are now to the point in the story where the Tobi demon character is now supposedly a human entity, so where or even if they go any further in that timeline is anyone's guess. Apparently there is another one set for next year that reconnects back to the original mythos, set in 1992 and exploring the house fire in the sister's home (sometime between 88 and 92 in storyline). Maybe that will end up also being a full on sequel too besides the prequel element, and they finally do a solid sendoff to all of this.

Part 7 was the most recent release and is a borderline Halloween 3 to this franchise. There is no connecting to the Tobi demon, the setting is in an Amish village, and in all aspects, this feels like a standalone film that really had no right to even be listed as a PA film. Jason Blum has gone on record hating it too. Maybe there was elements originally that connected this to more of the lore of the franchise, potentially. It felt like this COULD be a full on sequel to even part six if the demon in this one was a manifestation of Tobi, but there was zero indication that was the intent. All in all though, this was not very endearing and having part of it set in a different environment outside in the winter was a bit fresh and different, but very much underutilized in this one. Super disappointing film and not shocked this skipped a theatrical release.

7. PA 4
6. Ghost Dimension
5. Next of Kin
4. PA 2
3. The Marked Ones
2. PA 3
1. Original PA
I can still watch the first 2 but I've personally hated the lore aspect to the movies. I always felt like they should've been standalone movies that had a couple ties (very, very subtle) but worked on their own without having to know any lore or mythology.


Rasslin' Rambler
Reaction score
Mankato, MN
I can still watch the first 2 but I've personally hated the lore aspect to the movies. I always felt like they should've been standalone movies that had a couple ties (very, very subtle) but worked on their own without having to know any lore or mythology.

Agreed, they should have never gone down the slippery slope too far and far too detailed in that aspect. They have now kind of booked themselves in a corner, so to speak. Might explain why Next of Kin had little to no connection to the others. But then now they are reconnecting to the original mythos in this next one set to be released sometime next year, prob also on Paramount Plus. From what I can gather it's already in the can and could drop anytime. It was originally set for an Oct 22 release.


Rasslin' Rambler
Reaction score
Mankato, MN

Quick update from the most official Friday site about the Crystal Lake series. Nothing too groundbreaking on details but sounds like they are in for at least two seasons.


Hot Rats
Reaction score
Perdition City


Rasslin' Rambler
Reaction score
Mankato, MN
The Menu: I was shocked this actually was more or less a horror by the end of it. Came off more initially as a mystery type of film, but it meticulously was crafted as something entirely else as it went on. The social commentary was fucking great, digs left and right at elitist mentalities and the pretentiousness of professional foodies and snobby critics. I'd call it half black comedy and half horror if this was to be defined as anything. Really smart and engaging script for sure, performances ranged from absurd to decent. Ralph Fiennes did a bang up job in his hard to define persona, and my god, Anna Taylor-Joy needs a fucking wagyu burger on the regular. She's beyond unhealthily skinny.