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Posted by: Jingus April 03, 2009 01:33 am
Am I the only one still giving Dollhouse a try every Friday night? The episode two weeks ago was really good, but otherwise it's a frustrating mix of occasional really awesome moments surrounded by way too much tedious Deep Messages and banal Fox Action Show shit.
Just in case anyone here hasn't seen it: Experience the GREATNESS that is Neil Patrick Harris vs Nathan Fillion.
Posted by: bps21 April 03, 2009 01:36 am
I'm still watching Dollhouse. I still don't know what Dollhouse is supposed to be...but I'm still watching Dollhouse.
It's weird that Whedon gave us the greatness that was Buffy, Firefly, season 5 of Angel, Serenity, Dr. Horrible...and somehow those fantastic things lead to...whatever Dollhouse is.
Posted by: Matt Young April 03, 2009 01:39 am
Do you not remember that the first season of Buffy wasn't all that great? Angel's first season was better, but I'd say Dollhouse season 1 has been better than Buffy season 1.
Posted by: bps21 April 03, 2009 01:44 am
I liked Buffy right from the start. I think that the 2 part opener was really good, Prophecy Girl and Angel were good eps...and I love me some Puppet Show.
The thing that Buffy had that Dollhouse doesn' that even when the episode wasn't interesting...I liked the characters and there was some humor in the dialogue.
Posted by: Molotov The Bear April 03, 2009 02:01 am
I like Dollhouse perfectly fine. But then I'm not a guy who needs to nitpick every little tiny thing to death. And yes, I'm still watching.
Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog is pure awesome.
Posted by: cobainwasmurdered April 03, 2009 05:15 am
I thought Dollhouse had already been canceled so that shows where I'm at. I intended to check it out and still plan on it though this thread has made me less eager.
Posted by: HarleyQuinn April 03, 2009 10:54 am
Dollhouse has been solid as of late with the past 2 episodes. I think partly what's hurt it... and what it's starting to try to do, is develop the character interactions/characters themselves that make a Whedon show so great. I think if Dollhouse can get picked up, that we'll see better but the show is a bit too... boxed in terms of where it can go (characters and dialogue wise).
Season 1 of Buffy was underrated in that it had some great episodes (Angel, Prophecy Girl) with several solid ones (WTTH/TH, The Pack, Puppet Show). The dialogue and the characters were instantly there but it took until midway through Season 2 for the plot to really catch up.