I don't go to places like 4chan, 8chan, ATS and whatever ever places where people might feel targeted right now. Are people in these online communities, and conspiracy communities at large freaking out about this "pre-crime" type uptick response to warning signs?
Considering a large and loud % of Trump's base loves the conspiracy theories and Q Anon and "fake news" and all the shit that Trump embraces at his rallies and on twitter....how do they feel about conspiracy theorists and "far right" being considered threats?
How do extreme "patriot movement" far right libertarians feel about Trump's talk about monitoring people, asking tech companies to "pre-crime" identify possible threats, and about opening up sanitariums for people deemed to be "a threat" whatever the fuck that means.
Where are all those loud and proud FEMA CAMPS!!!!! and whatever that big supposed event was that all the preppers freaked about that never happened. Where are all the people claming every shooting was a false flag? Are they still that now? Or is it different?