I attended a school discipline hearing yesterday for one of my juvenile clients. He did wrong and the punishment fit the offense. He told a classmate, suspected of snitching, he would "drop" her whether he saw her in school or in the neighborhood. I did my ethical duty to show the progress he's made aside from this transgression (and i really need his parents to issue consequences in the home). The disciplinarian of record said, "No, in light of the school shooting in George this week, I have no choice but to expel this student."
A whole hour of going over his progress, grades, etc... for the discipline guy to use this tragedy as his justification for an expulsion on a verbal threat. He could have suspended, expelled, or anything in between without invoking such a horror.
My only real hope is that as a very emotional educator, he let his hidden tenderness override his professional diction and was trying a "scared straight" tactic. Maybe? I just felt it was inappropriate. The kid has no prior history of violence just a whole lot of leaving class without asking and vaping. No fights, ever.
Like principal dude, you want to talk about gun tragedy? Okay, good, let's go. You see that vape you caught him with? Your metal detectors failed to detect it. What other metal items are getting past your doors? You want to use dead children and teachers to justify your job? Okay, justify why there is NO metal detector outside of the detention building?
But no, I'm not allowed to call out stuff like that.
Angry enough and then my sis sends us an alert from her school of employment, two kids were caught on campus with airsoft guns so now I'm just double pissed.