GameStop stores hit Xbox One launch cap; pre-orders ceased
By Colin Campbell on Jun 19, 2013 at 12:06p @ColinCampbellx
GameStop has ceased taking pre-orders for Xbox One. Employees from a number of retail locations around the country tell Polygon that the company reached its launch-day allocation last weekend. The company says it is still taking orders via its online site.
Retail managers say senior managers sent out a nationwide email to store managers a few days ago telling them to cease taking pre-orders. Many had already stopped taking launch-date orders, because they had run out of individual store-level allocations.
Polygon called stores around the country, all of which declined to take Xbox One pre-orders. They are still taking PlayStation 4 orders. Store managers say allocations for Sony's machine are considerably higher than Microsoft's.
One store manager in California said, "We were only given an allocation of 16 Xbox Ones but we have 60 PlayStation 4s and we're still taking orders." Another in Texas said, "There's no point trying any GameStops. We've stopped that SKU until we get notice."
Allocations are determined by Microsoft. A store manager in Ohio said, "All stores have been told to stop until we get some more units from Microsoft."
A spokesperson for GameStop told Polygon, "Due to high demand, GameStop is not taking additional store reservations for the Xbox One Day One Edition. However, reservations can still be made at ... In the meantime, the Xbox One wireless controller and top Xbox One games like: Ryse: Son of Rome, Forza Motorsport 5, and Kinect Sports Rivals are available for pre-order at all GameStop stores or online."