@Slayer is ducking chat lately ("work" yeah sure) I'll mention here that I've watched the Dragon Gate shows up through the end of 2021. Fantastic stuff. They're going on all cylinders and I really recommend it to everyone to jump on.
The stuff with Shun Skywalker building to him fucking over his stablemates and becoming more and more twisted was fantastic and done in a way very different than almost any other DG angle. Really appreciated that.
the SB KENTo Vs Jacky Kamei matches were all great and Kamei especially has a lot of potential to be a big star. This is one of the best crops of younger talent they've had in years and they seem to be using them a lot better than they normally do as well.
KAI/YAMATO was really good although the finish was a bit overkill/finisher spam for me but considering the length of the feud I can forgive it to an extent. Very interested in seeing how KAI does given the chance to run with the ball.
I know a bit about the unit shuffle that happens in January and it all sounds great. If only certain other companies would freshen things up like this!