
Sex Trafficker: Vince McMahon

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Tucson, Arizona
Well, I've kicked the WWE habit, altogether. I don't even watch WWE Network (Peacock) anymore. I personally believe that wrestling became a fad that I'm no longer interested in, anymore. I've washed my hands of anything that has anything to do with Vince McMahon and I have no plans on going back, ever.

Now, I only watch Disney Plus, comedy sitcoms on Roku, Hulu, Peacock, etc. Not to mention Garfield and friends on the weekends. Just eating pizza while watching Garfield eat pizza, lasagna, and what have you.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Ep 1
- Hogan in B roll combing his....wig(?) slayed me.
- Old Man Vince walked into the interview slouched over like a fucking ape.
- Vince starts off by declaring he's not going to reveal the "real story" of himself. I think this is meant to be humor.
- I thought Linda was Hillary Clinton for a half a second.
- Bruce Prichard buries Vince's commentary.
- Monsoon was the first choice for Vince Sr to sell the WWF to. Monsoon knew Vince Jr coming into the picture would foil his plan to buy WWWF.
- Linda admits the WWWF funds were used by Vince to buy the WWF.
- We see some Dusty clips against some orge where he tosses some of the fakest blows in history.
- Vince teases that Rhodes was a top choice to replace Backlund.
- We get the Hogan/Rocky story. Hogan had already had a longer WWF run than a standard heel, so he probably was due to go anyway.
- I mark out during the clips of Hogan beating Sheiky Baby because I'm a dork.
- We get clips of the talent on JCP/AWA and then in the WWF.
- Vince says his dad praised him for taking over the world. "Fuck those other promoters" Considering Sr died 5 months into the national expansion, I suppose it could be true, but it could be BS.
- Heyman somehow gets to be the voice of the old school promoters compared to Vince's mindset.
- They overlook Ole Anderson's and Verne's expansion plans and pretend Vince was the only one thinking national.
- Tony Atlas says Vince hinted to the locker room to get rid of John Stossel since he was backstage asking about wrestling being fake.
- Vince admits he didn't have the money for Wrestlemania and it was bang or bust. They don't mention the JCP TV deal and Inoki deals that netted Vince 2 million dollars to help things along.
- WM 1 highlights with Eye of the Tiger Playing. I go Randy Marsh all over my living room.
- We jump from WM1 to 1992 and the steroid trials as the tease for part 2.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Ep. 2
- STAND BACK! Excellent way to start this part.
- The wrestlers in the 80s had a crazy schedule and turned to drugs.
- Hogan admits he tattled on Ventura's union talk since he was on Team Vince. Vince claims none of the wrestlers would have listened to Jesse.
- Hogan admits WM 2 was a shit show from a tech stand point. Vince says they did it to make it stand out from WM 1. Nevermind Crockett running Starrcade from 2 locations....
- Vince goes to England to convince Andre to get back surgery and abandon his retirement plans.
- The fans going bonkers for Hogan accepting Andre's challenge gives me goosebumps.
- They manage to not clip Meltz in talking about how the 93K attendance for WM 3 is fake news.
- Hogan is still claiming he didn't know if he'd be winning when he came out to wrestle Andre.
- Vince is in heaven recalling the Hogan vs Andre feud dynamic.
- Hogan claims he told Andre to stay near the ropes since his back was shot. Hogan says the slam was unplanned and the finish was in doubt until the ref hit his hand to the mat 3 times.
- Meltz pops in to shit on the WM 3 mythos regarding the attendance, Andre being slammed by others and Andre being undefeated.
- Somewhere Bix is screaming at the TV.
- Hogan claims WM 3 sent him into the next level of stardom. Of course it was more like the peak from his build from 82-87 and after WM 3 the biz was in slow decline.
- Steffi doesn't think Vince gets enough credit for all of Hogan and the WWF's success. Atlas talks about Hogan having lines fed to him by Vince as we see behind the scenes clips of Hogan being fed lines by Vince.
- Hulkamania is dimming so Warrior is put over Hogan to set off the next boom....
- We see the promo of Sarge getting boots with a horn on the boot tip as a gift from Saddam himself. Shit man, that TERRIFIED me when I was 7. I don't think he ever actually wore them in a match.
- We see Hogan saving America by beating Sarge as Bob Costas let's us know we are bad people for enjoying the fake fights over real issues.
- The Steroid trials come next. They show a comparison of Warlord's body to Uncle Elmer's with Costas' voice over. Amazing, amazing choice.
- Hogan says everybody was on roids (Sly, Ah-nold, etc) so why not wrestlers?
- Modern Vince relates the Ooops of starting the WBF in the moment roids were under scrutiny.
- We see a blooper of Vince trying to do a PR blurb on the WWF's drug testing and seemingly choking on his own BS.
- Vince told Hogan to tell the truth on Arsenio Hall, and Hogan fibbed on his roid use and it back fired.
- Phil Mushnick shits on Vince and Bruce Prichard and Vince shit on him in modern interviews.
- We transition into talking about ring rats and the boys abusing women. Snuka killed his girlfriend and Vince helped cover it up...
- We see a Snuka promo from 83ish about burning in Hell.
- Vince declines to mention Pat Patterson as they dive into the ring boy sex scandal.
- Bret Hart straight up calls Mel Phillips a pedophile.
- Mushnick throws Terry Garvin and Pat Patterson under the bus. We see a clip of Tom Cole, a ring boy talking about the sex abuse and how they tried to give him coke. Vince blows it off as they clip Muschnick calling it a Pedophile ring. Meltzer lets us know about Garvin and Phillips being fired, but Patterson was innocent. Bruce also says Pat was innocent. Flash to Tony Atlas who says Patterson grabbed his dick.
- Jimmy Hart isn't sure if he should share the dirt he knows. Flash to Bret Hart talking about Rita Patterson's rape by Vince.
- Good lord, modern Vince says he did fuck her, but it was consensual. Vince says too much time had lapse for lawsuits and all that when it came out in 92ish.
- Mushnick is glad the FBI finally did something about Vince since his articles were not bringing about change.
- They compare Vince's trial neck brace to Bobby Heenan's fake neck brace in 1987
- Hogan "retires" in the middle of the heat.
- Enter Ted Turner... Of all clips of WCW to show, we see Jungle Jim Steele in a squash.
- Hogan promised he wouldn't work against Vince...then signed with WCW
- Shane McMahon is still salty that Hogan signed with WCW while Vince was on trial. Loyalty...blah blah
- Hogan claims the Feds threatened him with 17 years of prison if he didn't flip on Vince during the roid trial.

Tino Standard

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- Mushnick throws Terry Garvin and Pat Patterson under the bus. We see a clip of Tom Cole, a ring boy talking about the sex abuse and how they tried to give him coke. Vince blows it off as they clip Muschnick calling it a Pedophile ring. Meltzer lets us know about Garvin and Phillips being fired, but Patterson was innocent. Bruce also says Pat was innocent. Flash to Tony Atlas who says Patterson grabbed his dick.
I admit that I don't know a lot about Patterson's role in this, but is it possible the truth was somewhere in between? As in, perhaps he was not involved in the stuff with the ring boys that got Mel Phillips and Terry Garvin fired, but he also was guilty of going too far in playing grab-ass with the wrestlers in the locker room? I can see where wrestlers would take issue with it, especially given that Patterson was openly gay and in a position of power.

Or....Maybe Pat really was as guilty as the other two who were fired, and McMahon, Prichard, etc. felt compelled to circle the wagons in his defense because of how essential he was to business behind the scenes?


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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It sounds like this is succeeding in being what it is: an introduction to the insanity for normal people and a new look at Vince for everyone who knows the stories.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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The clips are great. I might need to get Netflix back for this and the Dump Matsumoto thing.

Only guy they interview I trust to be honest is Bret. He doesn't know how to lie.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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I love how the Vince clips make him feel like a carny Robert Durst.


Integral Poster
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Hogan's lying is already getting to me in episode 1, but this is gonna be awesome. Vince's voice is Dikembe Mutumbo level rasp now.


Integral Poster
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The clips are great. I might need to get Netflix back for this and the Dump Matsumoto thing.

Only guy they interview I trust to be honest is Bret. He doesn't know how to lie.
This is a problem so far. The amount of bullshit from Vince, Bruce, Bischoff, and Hogan is too much. And, I don't think Tony Atlas is truthful either, but at least he's really funny and entertaining instead of frustrating.


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“I’’m not a CTE guy. I just don’t believe in it”

Basically what Vince, Hogan, and Austin said was if you get a concussion from wrestling then it’s because you don’t know how to wrestle because wrestling is a work.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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If it weren't for him and Foley being bros I'd believe it


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Historian Steve Yohe says Tony Atlas claims he (Atlas) killed people, so Yohe doesn't think any story Tony says is to be believed.
Apparently in part 3 they ask Vince why what he did in 84 is different than what WCW did in 94 to him since Vince whined about things being unfair to the WWF. Vince is dumbfounded. So that should be fun to see in the AM.

Conrad Thompson expects more women to come forward with this release. He and Bischoff did a live reaction tonight. They suggest the P Diddy scandal may take some heat off Vince. This somehow leads to ATM Eric praising Elon Musk and his free speech campaign and Eric starts to go off on Ukraine and Thompson cuts him off to get them back on Wrasslin' or rape or whatever the fuck the topic is.


Integral Poster
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Apparently in part 3 they ask Vince why what he did in 84 is different than what WCW did in 94 to him since Vince whined about things being unfair to the WWF. Vince is dumbfounded. So that should be fun to see in the AM.

I won’t ruin it for you, but his rationale is hilarious to watch.

One last thing re: concussions… Vince doesn’t believe the Undertaker suffered one at Wrestlemania against Lesnar. He blamed Taker’s condition on being emotional over the streak being broken.
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Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

Ep 3
- We are somehow not in the steroid trials, but instead back in 1985 talking about Wendi Richter.
- Vince "remembers" she didn't want to job the title and since he owns the damn thing, he controls it.
- So Vince knew he had to do something. So he got the match in the ring (They don't cover that Moolah wasn't even her scheduled opponent) and the ref calls a tainted 3 count despite Richter kicking out.
- They don't bother breaking down the actual story of Wendi asking to be paid like the star she had become.
- Now onto the steroid trials:
- Hogan swerved the prosecutors and backed Vince's version that he never told anyone to roid up or sold roids to his crew.
- Meltz said the evidence was never there to convict Vince. Being a bad person alone isn't enough to be guilty.
- Vince is accused of jury tampering and bribing witnesses.
- Business is in the shitter. Luger fails as a top guy so the Kliq and Bret Hart move into top slots.
- Hogan and Macho jump to WCW. Nitro is formed. Luger shows up from the WWF 24 hours after his last WWF shot.
- Vince talks about not having talent contracted past hand shakes. His got guys over and Turner bought them up. This is all well and good as a true statement, BUT Hogan was already off doing TV shows for a year before he joined WCW, Vince could have kept Macho but chose to bench him after 1992 and Luger was in a fail state with the WWF (IIRC the plan was to put him with newcomer HHH so he could put HHH over)
- I was warned that this episode was a slog to get through and so far that is true. It is just ANOTHER recap of the Monday Night Wars.
- Bruce and Vince whine that WCW was throwing digs at them. Somebody show Vince the tape from 1984 where they use TV time on TNT to mock the AWA for Vince signing Mad Dog Vachon, Gary DeRusha, etc. from Verne. He even had Hogan talk about it.
- We see a video of Ted Turner watching the Billionaire Ted skits and laughing "That's sah-posed to be the Hulkster!" Very sharp Mr. Turner.
- Bruce talks about how he figured out that Hall and Nash were leaving the WWF because they refused to be part of the Billionaire Ted skits. Did any talent appear in them? I don't remember anything but Larry Fling, Huckster, Nacho Man, and Ted with other actors.
- Shawn tells Vince he wants to make a big deal out of Hall and Nash leaving at the end of their last show. Vince approves "The Curtain Call". Taker and Bret let us know that this was some bullshit.
- Taker talks about how he kept kayfabe. This includes a clip of Bret, Goldust etc are playing a WWF arcade game. Taker looks away with an eye roll as if to say "Neeeeerrrds!"
- HHH and Shawn excuse kayfabe as antiquated. HHH, who wasn't over a lick anyway, but had nice hair and the right best friend, ended up having to do some jobs to appease the locker room despite Vince approving of it.
- Meanwhile, the NWO makes WCW hotter than ever.
- Bischoff says Vince cried like a bitch about the talent losses. Meltzer backs him up about how Vince paid JYD, Piper, Hogan and on and on in 1984 to leave their promotions.
- They ask Vince about how this can be different. Vince says "Turner did it to hurt me, I did it for business" Vince's brain spins wildly at this point. Vince then indicates he didn't really take it personal, but played it up on TV and in the media as a way to swing PR in his favor.
- Hogan turns heel. Vince says he never wanted to turn Hogan heel. Hulk was always supposed to be the ultimate good guy.
- Vince was offended that Hogan would attack him as part of his heel NWO schtick.
- Eric points out that Vince would always talk about Ted Turner regarding the WCW/WWF wars instead of Bischoff in order for Vince to play babyface to the Billionaire.
- Bret signs with the WWF to a 20 year contract. Vince says he regretted signing the deal right away. "Just make new stars Vince!" He tells Bret he can't afford Hart's contract about a year after signing it....but he didn't take the World title off Hart before he broke the deal off, leading to a bad situation.
- Hart "Shawn was a prick at this time" Shawn would make shoot comments on RAW. Vince was fine with it as it made for good TV.
- HHH takes credit for the idea to screw Bret over instead of doing the planned PPV finish.
- Shawn spent more time with Vince than his own father, so he says he was loyal to Vince to the end and would do whatever Vince asked. (Gee, all those titles he lost without being in the ring must have been something different.... not to mention fucking up Vince's planned WMania 13 main event. FUCK SHAWN MICHAELS)
- Bruce says the finish of Bret vs Shawn was going to be a big brawl with the faction involved.
- Hart was leery of a screw job, and was ready to shoot on Shawn if HBK pulled any BS. Shawn locks him in a sharpshooter and Vince fucks Bret.
- We see a clip of Bruce in Gorilla backstage screaming "OH SHIT" at the finish.
- Bret breaks monitors and spits in Vince's face.
- Blink and you miss it but you can catch Shamrock and Rick Rude waiting for Bret to make sure nobody pulled any shit past the curtain.
- Taker was pissed. It's not said here but I believe Taker told Vince he had to go to Bret's locker room.
- Bret and Vince tie up in the locker room and Bret blasted him in the face. Vince says he thinks he was concussed.
- Vince has no regrets about any of it.



Integral Poster
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How could anyone have guessed that Vince used his dad's money to "buy" his dad's company?

Tino Standard

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“I’’m not a CTE guy. I just don’t believe in it”

Basically what Vince, Hogan, and Austin said was if you get a concussion from wrestling then it’s because you don’t know how to wrestle because wrestling is a work.
His rationale made no sense to me. "If you get a bunch of concussions, it's because you don't know how to wrestle." Sure, if you're smart about how you're working, you can absolutely reduce your risk of getting concussions. No argument there. But if you DON'T take those precautions and you DO get a bunch of concussions, CTE just...doesn't exist? Like, what are you taking precautions against if CTE isn't real?