
Sex Trafficker: Vince McMahon


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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Steve should talk to those twenty thugs who jumped Shawn Michaels outside a nightclub in Syracuse.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Ep. 4
- Vince gets giddy recalling Dr Jerry Graham. Vince dyed his hair blond and learned to strut like Graham.
- Vince leans into the heel heat caused by the fans knowing he screwed Bret.
- Eric had a loaded roster and was willing to put Vince out of business.
- WWF had done goofy gimmicks for years and wanted to switch things to edgier content.
- Of all things Bruce credits the kick off of the Attitude Era as the night Shawn wore bicycle shorts and stuffed his groin so his manhood looked bigger. Vince fined Shawn 10K, Shawn never paid and life moved on.
- Bruce: "Vince was livid." Then weeks later he pointed to Shawn as the style they needed.
- HHH claims Vince kept scolding them for their antics as DX due to the raunch. Seems like we are getting conflicting BS.
- Austin becomes a phenom.
- Vince, after whining about WCW taking his talent, starts to sign ECW talent as Paul Heyman had created a revolutionary product, if not a financially viable one.
- Vince didn't like the "Austin 3:16" line as he didn't think he could sell it to the Bible belt.
-They ignore the fact that the WWF blew the supposed Austin 3:16 overnight sensation by not pushing him as anything special over the rest of the summer, not even giving him a spot on the Summerslam PPV. Then Bret came back and picked Austin to work with, accidentally saving the WWF business. Vince McMahon. Genius.
- They cover Mike Tyson signing with the WWF. Even Bischoff seems to forget Tyson was negotiating with both WCW and WWF in the winter IIRC.
- They clip in a 2013 Steffi interview where she failed to recall that Tyson was already a convicted rapist when Vince gave him huge money to work an angle.
- We cover the Austin vs McMahon dynamic.
- Modern Vince talks about not liking rich people since he grew up dirt poor. Vince likes to fight because if you win a fight, then you did something.
- Vince says performing is easy - being himself is hard. Shane, Hulk and others debate how much of Mr. McMahon IS Vince. Bruce says backstage Vince has cut some Mr McMahon promos on him IRL.
- Bischoff says Mr. McMahon is just his WCW/NWO boss gimmick with a new coat of paint. Plus DX was just the WWF version of the nWo.
- Rocky Miavia enters the WWF as a clean cut geek. The fans turned on him after a few months.
- You can see Rocky's roid body form as we see his debut to his heel turn a few months later.
- Modern Rock steals one of Austin's promo lines about race and claims he was the one who said it. "It's not a black thing, it's not a white thing, it's a me kicking your ass thing"
- Attitude Era montage of the crazy shit that WWF was doing on a weekly basis.
- Enter Phil Mushnick to damper our high.
- We get Vince claiming that the WWF never pushed rape, knives or guns as the clips show Vince calling somebody a rapist, Val getting castrated and Pillman shooting a gun at Austin. Peak comedy.
- Modern Shawn sort of regrets how women were treated on screen during this time...sort of.
- We see a montage of Sable finding new and creative ways to show off her honkers. "Vince did it because society did it."
- Owen Hart stays with the WWF despite the Screwjob. Bret claims Owen was buried to get back at Bret. Owen thought Bret was mad at him during this time.
- Owen dies live on PPV.
- Vince says the lights were down so the live crowd was spared from seeing Owen's last moments.
- Vince says because the crowd didn't see it, it was okay to keep the show going. "The audience came to see a show, not to see somebody die" HOLY FUCK. How has this clip not gone viral on Twitter?!
- We see Jeff Jarrett and Debra send love to Owen during their promo minutes after the fall. JJ goes into promo mode somehow and starts to talk about Debra's tits.
- Bret says his friends in the locker room told him Owen was hauled past all of them and then they turned around and pushed the guys to go wrestle in the ring with Owen's blood still staining the canvas.
- Vince said had he fallen, he'd expect to get scraped off the mat and the show to move on.
- Bret suspected Vince may have killed Owen to get back at him.
- Vince sort of smiles as he says "Turns out the rig was defective, so it was not the WWE's fault and so we sued the rigging company"
- 1999 Vince promises the fans that shit is going to get crazier. Montage of 2000s crazy bumps, tits and finally... Benoit.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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" Bret suspected Vince may have killed Owen to get back at him."

Best build to a Wrestlemania ever.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Ep 5
- Heyman opens waxing poetic on Vince's actions to this day are formulated by the abuse he suffered the first 12 years of his life.
- Vince created a world where he is the leader and no one can truly control him.
- We hear more comments on Vince's stepfather abusing him, and his mother sexually abusing him. While these words are spoken, we get a backstage shot of Vince kissing his elderly mother.
- Vince says "It was what is was. Fighting, incest." "I don't like to look back. Only forward. Get rid of whatever is hurting you" "People who suffer abuse tend to abuse others. I try to avoid that"
- Shane talks about his long history with WWF working as a backstage geek, ref, etc. We see Shane doing some play wrestling in the WM 9 ring.
- HHH claims the Test/Steffi angle has no planned ending, so he suggested that he would drug Steffi and marry her.
- Steffi says HHH was Vince's friend and her Dad told Steffi to find a man like HHH....but not HHH.
- Vince wanted to put HHH and Steffi's wedding on PPV.
- Shane was against Steffi marrying a wrestler. Vince says "I was wrestling, so what does that say about me?"
- Linda liked Vince's bad boy behavior as teens. She was 17 when they married.
- Linda was fine with Trish and Vince being portrayed as lovers. It would get HEAT.
- Shane wasn't a fan. He loves his Mama and wanted her off limits. Vince says it's a storyline!
- Trish is still fine with the segment where Vince forced her to strip and bark like a dog. HEAT.
- Meltz basically calls wrestling fans incels RE: their acceptance of women being demeaned.
- Shane was apprehensive about wrestling Vince at Mania. Vince potatoed him right away and Shane got into the action after that.
- Modern Vince is in heaven retelling this whole storyline and how it all paid off at the biggest show of the year.
- Vince gets amnesia regarding Sable's 1999 lawsuit. Some people online suggest modern Vince didn't want to piss off Brock.
- Vince doesn't even remember having Sable as his mistress on TV/
- Heyman explains that the business comes before anything including Vince's family or Vince himself.
- WCW sunk and Vince bought it up. Vince and his inner circle had a big party on the corporate plane that night, but after that it was business as usual.
- ATM Eric didn't watch the final Nitro. He didn't want to admit defeat.
- Vince always plans on winning. He might enjoy a moment of euphoria, but it is always on to the next thing....
- The XFL. Modern Vince admits he didn't know much about the football business.
- The ratings started with a bang, but the play sucked. Bob Costas chimes in that he hated all the WWF wackiness around the presentation.
- XFL wound up with the lowest ratings in national TV prime time history.
- Costas interviewed Vince at the time. Vince thought it was going to be a puff piece. Costas told him the XFL stunk on ice and Vince freaked out on air.
- WWF loses the rights to it's own name. Vince wasn't pleased. Vince said he had to focus on the next thing and move on. You try and you fail and you rise again.
- We move on to talk about Hogan coming back to the WWF.
- We see old man Vince and Hogan chatting at an empty Mania stage. I find myself smiling.
- Bret Hart is brought back. Business above personal feelings says Vince.
- In May 2002, Austin went on the WWE's Byte This show and shit on creative for himself and the whole company. He'd leave the WWE soon after.
- Rock left for Hollywood, so WWE needed new stars.
- Vince cuts a promo to the whole roster looking for somebody to step up. 3 days later John Cena came up from developmental and worked an open challenge to Kurt Angle.
- Cena admits he didn't get over and was almost fired. Steffi heard his freestyle one night on a tour bus and it sent Cena off on a rocket ship of stardom.
- HHH "jokes" that if Vince proposed something that was off putting, you probably should do it. Trish admits she said no to a lesbian angle, and magically lost the title the week later.
- Modern Vince laughs about proposing a storyline where he would impregnate his daughter. This has been long known, but old man Vince's retelling still manages to be a 10/10 creepy.
- Steffi and Shane are treated like shit, just like any employee. Steffi says Shane had it worse than her.
- Shane seemed to be in and out of the company. Shane wanted Vince to buy him a company to prove he can be a success and one day take over the WWE.
- Vince says he didn't like the UFC because he couldn't control the wins and losses and couldn't make perpetual superstars.
- "I told Shane to take his money and buy it if he thought it was such a great opportunity. Shane only had a little money, so it wasn't a good investment"
- Heyman shares a story that has already gone viral where Vince offered Shane a knife and told him to kill him if he wanted to do things his way so badly.
- Old Man Vince says Shane wanted Vince to step down and let Shane take over. Vince says this is MY business. So Shane left and went on to other ventures.
- Vince says family and business doesn't mix.
I enjoyed this one a lot.


TSM's Finest
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Three episodes in so far. I really enjoyed the first two, but the third mostly felt like a WWE produced doc for Peacock. I hope that's not setting a precedent for the rest of the episodes.


Integral Poster
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3 and 4 are pretty weak but 5 and 6 are great. 5 focuses on Vince's relationship with Shane and is really interesting.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Ep. 6
- Vince says he had 3 computers in his brain and it makes it hard to focus. That's who I am. "Be who you are. Be different. Fuck the world" Vince says the third part of his brain is thinking about sex right now.
- Donald Trump is brought in to take part in Wrestlemania. It lead to one of the biggest PPVs of all time.
- Vince booked himself to "die" via a limo explosion. Benoit killed his family that week and ruined the angle.
- The WWE crew was in the middle of the Benoit tribute show as the details of the deaths came out.
- "Benoit went nuts" says Vince. He and Bret both say roids don't make you crazy.
- Vince seems to deny Benoit was hit in the head enough to have it effect him. "We work safe and sell" so the montages of Benoit taking headshots were dismissed by Vince.
- Hogan pops up and shows us that workers sell wrist locks and shit, so clearly the other bumps couldn't led to CTE.
- Austin's viral clip about "I'm not a CTE guy" is next.
- WWE bans chair shots. Undertaker says he was disappointed because chair shots are "old school"
- Meltz says the fans didn't care about the WWE stars dying as they were gimmicks, not humans. Phil Mushnick says fans didn't give a shit, just give us a new star.
- Vince gets confronted on cable news about all the wrestlers dying and Vince whacks the papers out of his hand.
- Mushnick asks why all these guys were dying and the mainstream didn't care.
- This somehow transitions into Undertaker losing at Wrestlemania. Vince made the call at the last minute. Then it ties together as Taker says he was concussed and can't remember the match. Modern Vince says Taker is just over reacting and he was just upset about losing.
- Vince likes money so he got rid of the raunchy angles and doubled down on kiddy centric booking. Sponsors came in droves and some long time fans walked away.
- Shane comes back after 7 years at his Dad's request. Shane almost gets choked up retelling the moment.
- Shane is about of wholesome as can be as we see him surprise his 3 sons by having them come out to the stadium entry and dance with their daddy before he clashed with the Undertaker.
- Shane essentially admits Vince doesn't show him much love, so Shane would go the extra mile while working matches. So we see Shane getting killed in various high risk bumps. "I was always looking for that pat on the back from my dad"
- We see Steffi anxiously watching in Gorilla as Shane takes a bump off the Hell in the Cell. Road Dog assures her Shane's not dead. Vince is busy screaming at Cole instead of letting his then 17 year employee use his best judgment.
- Shane got his hug for being willing to take the plunge as a now 50 something year old man. And Shane glows as he tells of the moment.
- An assortment of these Alpha male wrestlers talk about how much they love Vince as their 2nd Daddy.
- Shane again talks about how he wanted to take over the company as was his birthright.
- Tony Atlas "Steffi is like her Dad, she's the boss. Shane. Shane...he's nice." And you can't be nice and be the boss.
- The WWE keeps printing money despite not having the same "energy" as the 80s boom and Attitude Era.
- Old Man Vince says they have a plan for succession...sort of... but he never plans to retire.
- We see Zombie Vince "wrestling" Pat McAfee and then taking the worst Stunner in recorded history.
- Then life comes at us fast as Vince's sexual digressions are outed and Vince is forced to step away from the WWE.
- Meltz says he didn't think Vince would step down. "If Vince had any kind of defense, he would have fought back, and he didn't fight back"
- Vince steps down, but he showed up on SD! to a huge reaction as a final hurrah.
- More bad news comes out and Vince abruptly "retires". Steffi goes on TV and gets the fans to chant "Thank you Vince"
- Vince returns and Steffi steps down. WWE is suddenly up for sale.
- HHH and Steffi were on the board of directors and both voted against Vince coming back. Vince had more power so he over ruled the boards counter votes.
- Bruce Prichard updates us in 2024 that Meltzer and others who think they know anything about Vince/WWE are bogus.
- WWE is bought by Endeavor. Bruce calls it a new challenge for Vince.
- Vince dyes his hair and grows a stache.
- WWE is printing money hand over fist. Billions in TV rights.
- Bruce is asked about what he thought of the preview of this documentary he saw. He thinks it sucks. Vince's humanity is not touched on. It is just produced to make Vince look bad. Bruce declares "Vince is not an asshole"
- Two days after Bruce's interview...Vince is accused of sex trafficking and other sex crimes.
- Everybody chimes in about Vince's legacy to close the doc.
- Vince describes himself as part mental case, part egomaniac, sexually active, a man who needs to be challenged.
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Tino Standard

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- Bruce is asked about what he thought of the preview of this documentary he saw. He thinks it sucks. Vince's humanity is not touched on. It is just produced to make Vince look bad. Bruce declares "Vince is not an asshole"
- Two days after Bruce's interview...Vince is accused of sex trafficking and other sex crimes.
ROUGH look for Bruce here. Big time yikes.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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The non fans and lapsed fans i know are really digging this series. That's the point, I know, but I'm not used to getting questions from people about fucking Tony Atlas in real life.


Integral Poster
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Was Hogan considered "handsome" in the 80s in the mainstream? I mean it was mostly about his body and the 80s had a national fitness craze


Integral Poster
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I thought the actual heartthrobs of that era were Duran Duran, Axl Rose, Dan Marino, Patrick Duffy, Don Johnson, etc. The only attraction to weird looking ogre types like Mcmahon, Hogan and Trump was money and fame and those other guys already had both anyway. Girls weren't putting Hulk Hogan and Donald Trump posters up on their walls and lockers lol


Integral Poster
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Yeah Tom Cruise, Matt Dillon, Swayze, Ralph Macchio, Depp. Etc. Don't remember Hogan being grouped with them


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Fun bit from ATM's Eric/Conrad/Wade Keller's pod about Ep 3 tonight. They discuss how large Bret's WWF contract was in comparison to what he was capable of drawing. Zero word on how Eric tossed 3 million a year at him in 97 anyway.

I love Bret, so I'm not trying to bash him. Just more WCW poor money management.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Fun bit from ATM's Eric/Conrad/Wade Keller's pod about Ep 3 tonight. They discuss how large Bret's WWF contract was in comparison to what he was capable of drawing. Zero word on how Eric tossed 3 million a year at him in 97 anyway.

I love Bret, so I'm not trying to bash him. Just more WCW poor money management.
Conrad says in the Bischoff pod that when he booked Undertaker for Starrcast, WWE had him pulled. So Conrad contacted Rod McMahon (Vince's brother) and tried to book him for a gag with Eric Angle and Brian Lee.

Vince called Conrad and applauded him for having the balls to contact his brother.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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I know AI has its detractors but man an AI Vince doing that Playboy interview would funny right now.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

Pat Laprade

Said in an interview this week that Pat Patterson would sexually harass the boys as a "rib" but it wasn't physical stuff, he just liked fucking with their heads.
However, Laprade also admitted that if Pat was sick of listening to somebody ask for a push or a job, he'd offer one for oral sex in order to get the guy to freak out and leave him alone.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Meltz in the WON this week:
In reality, Shane’s departure was because he attempted to get people to back him and to take over. The situation played out just like Jesse Ventura’s unionization attempt. People who Shane trusted went right to Vince and Shane was gone. Vince portrayed his return, but only as a performer, being done because it was the right business move.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Was Hogan considered "handsome" in the 80s in the mainstream? I mean it was mostly about his body and the 80s had a national fitness craze
Not mainstream, but the WWF mag in 93 ran a "Sexiest Wrestler" poll at the start of the year and suggested Hogan and Beefcake were likely winners. FFWD 2 or 3 months later (after Hogan had been flushed out) and the magazine expressed "surprise:" that HBK and Bret won the polling.


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Anderson, IN
Not mainstream, but the WWF mag in 93 ran a "Sexiest Wrestler" poll at the start of the year and suggested Hogan and Beefcake were likely winners. FFWD 2 or 3 months later (after Hogan had been flushed out) and the magazine expressed "surprise:" that HBK and Bret won the polling.

Even in the 80s I have a hard time buying that Beefcake gets more support than Bret in this poll