
The Attitude Era Thread Vol 1


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

How are Crush and Mr. Perfect doing in the middle of Russo's WWF in the Summer of 98? WCW C-show purgatory while standing around NWO group promos doesn't seem as fun.

Kamala: "Brody! Hennig was feuding with Goldberg ATM...sorta"

Hennig's WWF/WCW push is probably similar had he stuck around in late 96 vs his Horsemen arch. Upper card mix w/ Mero, HHH, Goldust in some form or another with the IC belt.
Bret's return and Austin's rise could give Perfect some time as a pushed angle for a co-main IYH. Shawn's about to flake out for much of 97 but maybe they can sober him up long enough to have a good match with Perfect.
Early 97 may see a hidden gem Perfect vs Luchadore match on USA Superstars or something.
Hennig would also be an excellent guide for matches with Shamrock and Miavia. The HHH mentor angle works well here as Perfect puts over Miavia early and often. Eventually, Rocky turns to Perfect as a guide. Hennig is at his side as he wins the IC belt from HHH. After a few weeks of this you can have JR mention that Rocky Johnson was leery of Perfect's intentions. Rocky Sr eventually makes a cameo on RAW to warn Dwayne face to face as Hennig is incredulous. Eventually the warnings prove relevant as Perfect turns on Dwayne. I'd probably hold off past Mania for the turn to maximize the effect.
Crush is a hoss BAH GAWD so he's kept around for mid card matches with Kurgan, Vader, and other lugs. He's kept around long enough to fall into either the Corporation or Ministry of Darkness.
Nothing memorable comes from this unless Russo gives him some batshit angles. Go the Jerry Blackwell/Adnan route and have Crush go from white supremist biker to Muslim w/ Iron Sheik.


Laugh This Off... Puddin'!
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"Matches you didn't think existed" crosspost. Weird Lo(w) Ki even got the 2nd entrance, usually afforded to the bigger star.
IIRC at the time when the WWE had Low Ki come in, they were planning to push him (see his 2008-2010 tenure) but he ended up getting a bigger spotlight in other indies including that APW King of the Indies Tournament the next year which led to his career breaking out a bit in ROH & TNA.

I don't know that he would've done much in WWE in the early 2000s but it wouldn't have surprised me if Vince really liked him.


Integral Poster
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Reposts guy who used to own something his dad gave him owns interviewer


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Things that make this a classic moment:
1) Cole and Lawler waiting for extensive visual confirmation that the man coming out to the Undertaker's theme accompanied by Paul Bearer to sit on a chair shaped like the Undertaker's symbol is, in fact, the Undertaker
2) Taker prerecording his monologue and trying to mouth along to it and eventually giving up
3) Simulating someone slitting their own wrist might be the most insane thing WWF did on screen during this period
4) When he carves Mideon's chest it looks more like he's decorating a birthday cake
5) Taker's final promo line gets interrupted by the pyro and he doesn't even try to finish


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Sullivan leading a freak stable of Khali, Big Daddy V and yellow-teeth Snitsky actually could have been pretty sick.

Big Papa Paegan

L. A. Z.
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Music City
Honestly, it wouldn't have surprised me if Russo had brought that up. For all of his many, many, many, many (and so on) faults? He would often reference things that happened years prior under different gimmicks in different companies.

What he'd do with this knowledge would usually wind up being off the mark by a few dozen miles, but he'd reference it.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Put on HEAT #1 on randomly....

McMahons with random bimbos...awkward.....

Bart Gunn still getting a push hanging out with a girl from Pacific Blue.

Mario Lopez doing an angle.

Highlights of Sable getting topless on PPV and Vince browbeating her.... awkward.....

A real main event of Rock/Owen vs Mankind/Kane

We get shots of Austin drinking beer backstage to keep the fans glued to the TV....eventually Cole gets a promo with him


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Kane and Mankind had an oopsie on RAW so we get a Foley promo draped in darkness. I'm too busy fraternizing with the Super Bowl party goers to focus. Yet I have time to BOARD HARD. Make it make sense!

Shane still has random bimbos. Last week's women were prettier. And by pretty I mean HONKERS.

Vader!!!!! Fat, broken, Leon.... From headliner to C show. Well... I guess SD! isn't a thing yet.
Mark Henry PRESSES Vader over his head! Damn!!
Since this is Russo booking, Vader has to sell like he's 25 mins into a Tokyo Dome battle after 55 seconds.
Henry gets a busted lip. He hits Vader with several splashes. I miss the finish as I'm on my phone, boarding hard and talking to my buddy. I am only on coffee, no stimulants of impairment....yet?

The Godwins are in suits and partnered up with Double J. JJ's wearing shades, a look I don't think he was sporting on Heat 1.

X Pac vs Taka in a match where we can appreciate just how big X Pac really is. Taka's crew runs in and DX has to make the save. Cartoon bumps follow.

Praying Dustin vs Bradshaw Runnels bumps around for the RAW BONED TEXAN.

Show ends with Kane turning on Mankind (who takes a nasty bump from the ring to the table at ringside.) Bearer eats a shot to for a bump.
BAH GAWD it's Taker under the gimmick! Swerve!


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
HEAT numbah 3 (I think) I'm almost focused on it.

The Godwins and Double J turn on Robert Fuller and give him a beat down. Does this write him off until the Quebecers return?

Sable and Jackie deliver some barbs back and forth. Sable's delivery really was stilted.

Edge whips Brian Christopher in a match that goes longer than I expected.

We get a Austin is here and drinking! Teaser to keep the geeks watching.

Bart Gunn battles Vader in an AJPW match. They trade stiff shots and Gunn does a delayed suplex of sorts on Leon in an impressive spot. The fans do not react to any of this. Godfather leaves the commentary booth to attack Bart to build to their shoot match in the Brawl for All on RAW. Vader splashes Bart after the fact too.

Gangrel "debuts" and gives himself a blood bath with his goblet. He tangles with Scotty Taylor. Heel vs Heel to confuse the alignments. Poor Too Much both get used as jobbers in the same show.

Tiger Ali Singh comes to the ring to ramble. Boogeyman's worms are introduced to the scene. Worm eater looks like Kevin Dunn's stunt double.

DX comes out for a promo. Shane marks out and gets on the desk to do the DX chop. Shane has another bimbo. Even worse looking then last week.

The Godwins in their formal wear collide with X Pac and HHH. JJ gets involved to set up JJ and X Pac in the Summerslam hair match.

Austin drinks beer as Taker comes to the ring. Taker talks shit to draw out Austin and Kane comes out to corner him as the show closes. They liked that fake out finish to get people fired up just enough.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Heat number 4 as the Super Bowl just won't start. Having chicken wings, pizza rolls, tater tots, tater salad, Cheese and chips BTW.

Oddities vs Godwins... ICP music is expunged. That is either good or bad depending on your taste. Heat was the Godwins show apparently!

Rock brings out a ladder and leaves to tease that an actual star would be doing something.

Animal collides with D Lo in the WWF random match generator Partners get involved to end the pain quick

Severn and Owen vs the Head Bangers Bangers and Too Much should clash to determine the kings of Heat jobbers.

Super Bowl update.... I think I just learned Post Malone is a white guy.

Rock cuts a promo about his SSlam ladder match. I am making food and miss it. Apparently he is wrestling Chyna on RAW.

2 Cold faces Taka in another match where we see how big 2 Cold is compared to the cruisers.

On the Super Bowl we see the BLOODLINE in football form as the Billionaires pretend to care the brown people had a tragedy.

Yamaguchi takes a nasty bump to help distract Scorpio and Taka actually hits the Driver on the big man.

Austin/Taker get a long highlight package to hard sell the PPV one week out.

Kick off and the oven going off hits at the same time. Almost as exciting as 25 year old wrestling!!


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Summerslam go home show HEEEEEEEEEEAT....

Drunk Hawk makes his Heat debut. Animal works the whole match as Hawk never takes his helmet off. Too Much scores the upset. So I guess LOD 2000 is the king of the jobbers and yet somehow still somehow in better shape than their manager Sunny.

Shawn interviews Sable's honkers. I feel like there is a story surrounding this segment but I'm blanking on it. The audio is off because the Super Bowl is on so I won't be able to listen to the promo to pick up any clues. Probably the only segment tonight where Vince has slept with both participants.

Gangrel vs Praying Dustin.... Gangrel didn't spit his own blood all over himself in the epic looking way as his debut.

The Val Venis/Mario Lopez feud gets it's 3rd or 4th week of build. Lopez should have joined Kaientai. This is somehow tied into a Vince backstage promo.

Austin is waiting by the parking garage with HHH's sledge hammer to murder the Undertaker and ruin the PPV main event.

Howard Finkel is attacked by JJ and the Godwins and shaved.

Vince scolds the Stooges for failing to rein in Austin's murder plot.

DOA (with Mr Dot Com) vs Bradshaw....and Vader! HOSS FIGHT. Bradshaw, suffering from CTE six days after Bort Gunn KO'd him to win Brawl For All gets into it with Vader over who will start. LOD is already running the tag team split angle guys. Vader and Bradshaw keep chirping and come to blows. Vader gets cradled to suffer another sub 3 min job on Heat.

Brian Collard (WHO?) plugs WWF merch

Vince tries to convince Austin to play nice. A hearse shows up. Austin does Austin things.



Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

Gangrel vs Big Dick Togo.., What better way to spend your Sunday evening than with this random match. Gangrel does a fucking awesome double underhook release German style suplex.

Austin is wait for it..... standing around drinking beer. Stay tuned!

Shamrock vs I guess new heel Bradshaw. Thought they would just go straight for Bradshaw/Vader. Sham and Brad have a decent little brawl until Vader waddles down and he and Bradshaw brawl. Shamrock watches everything in a befuddled manner until it is announced he is DQ'd and then Shammy snaps and chases the ref.

Brian Armstrong vs Dennis Knight WCW Sat Night ROCKS. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. JJ and HOG run in. DX runs in to make the save. Tony Garea comes in to stop the madness.

Kane and Taker slumming it after Summerslam. They collide with Animal and Droz. Animal tries to bring his A game in there with the top heels and hits a HIGH flying tackle! MMA Taker makes an early appearance and mangles Animal's leg with a knee bar or ankle lock. Vince comes down and cheers as LOD is beaten into dust.

We see clips of Kane and Taker murdering the Stooges on RAW, with Brisco in particular taking some big bumps.

Edge vs Taka.... Taka is wearing his casual walk in the park in summer street clothes. Edge has to hang onto Jim Dotson just to get through the crowd.
Why did Sable wear a baggy T shirt at Summerslam after a bunch of PPVs in a row of wearing tight leather, her underwear, topless etc???

Val and D Lo have a summerslam rematch as Heat gets a solid card overall for some reason this week.

Vince comes out for the main event promo. I am watching this on mute as the Super Bowl hits the 2 min warning so whatever Rapey McShithead is going on about is lost on me. Kane and Taker come out and Vince begs off. Austin comes down and Vince sends threats at Austin who looks at him confused as we go off the air.
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