How are Crush and Mr. Perfect doing in the middle of Russo's WWF in the Summer of 98? WCW C-show purgatory while standing around NWO group promos doesn't seem as fun.
Kamala: "Brody! Hennig was feuding with Goldberg ATM...sorta"
Hennig's WWF/WCW push is probably similar had he stuck around in late 96 vs his Horsemen arch. Upper card mix w/ Mero, HHH, Goldust in some form or another with the IC belt.
Bret's return and Austin's rise could give Perfect some time as a pushed angle for a co-main IYH. Shawn's about to flake out for much of 97 but maybe they can sober him up long enough to have a good match with Perfect.
Early 97 may see a hidden gem Perfect vs Luchadore match on USA Superstars or something.
Hennig would also be an excellent guide for matches with Shamrock and Miavia. The HHH mentor angle works well here as Perfect puts over Miavia early and often. Eventually, Rocky turns to Perfect as a guide. Hennig is at his side as he wins the IC belt from HHH. After a few weeks of this you can have JR mention that Rocky Johnson was leery of Perfect's intentions. Rocky Sr eventually makes a cameo on RAW to warn Dwayne face to face as Hennig is incredulous. Eventually the warnings prove relevant as Perfect turns on Dwayne. I'd probably hold off past Mania for the turn to maximize the effect.
Crush is a hoss BAH GAWD so he's kept around for mid card matches with Kurgan, Vader, and other lugs. He's kept around long enough to fall into either the Corporation or Ministry of Darkness.
Nothing memorable comes from this unless Russo gives him some batshit angles. Go the Jerry Blackwell/Adnan route and have Crush go from white supremist biker to Muslim w/ Iron Sheik.