So as usual I have bad insomnia and when I can't sleep I've been rewatching DBZ on crunchyroll. I'm FFing a lot of filler stuff although not everything. They don't have Kai only the original and they don't have the awesome original score (watching in Dub because it makes it easy to burn through it) which sucks. I'm up to the start of the Cell Games now and got a few observations:
Chi-Chi is DBZ is insufferable. How did she go from being all about fighting to loathing fighters? People talk about how Krillin (more later) or Gohan and others get messed up in this show but I think Chi-Chi is the worst when you consider how annoying she is. Plus her refusal to let Gohan learn anything probably can be blamed for a lot of issues.
Krillin is utterly useless. All he does is stand around cowering and doubting Goku. He exists to die or get his ass kicked so Goku/Gohan can power up. in DB he was a lot more interesting. Super makes him more interesting again.
Vegeta is way way more of a prick than I remember him being for a lot longer which is great. Almost zero fucking regard for Bulma/Trunks even in the Android Saga. You see a few small hints but still just a utter callous douche. The show also does a much better job than I remembered explaining WHY he is this way.
The Freiza fight is way too long. I love it but man its too long. Found it hilarious his Xenomorph transformation got almost no time.
Goku and Piccolo learning to drive is the greatest filler episode of any anime series ever. FIGHT ME.
Trunks is the best character in the show. Badass debut, his characterization, his growth, just all of it is great.
Goku and Gohan training in the Time Chamber is great because it shows that Goku is actually a fantastic dad which blows up all the memes. Still a shitty husband but I don't blame him on that one.
Nothing about the Androids and how strong they are or how they work makes sense. at all.
Chi-Chi is DBZ is insufferable. How did she go from being all about fighting to loathing fighters? People talk about how Krillin (more later) or Gohan and others get messed up in this show but I think Chi-Chi is the worst when you consider how annoying she is. Plus her refusal to let Gohan learn anything probably can be blamed for a lot of issues.
Krillin is utterly useless. All he does is stand around cowering and doubting Goku. He exists to die or get his ass kicked so Goku/Gohan can power up. in DB he was a lot more interesting. Super makes him more interesting again.
Vegeta is way way more of a prick than I remember him being for a lot longer which is great. Almost zero fucking regard for Bulma/Trunks even in the Android Saga. You see a few small hints but still just a utter callous douche. The show also does a much better job than I remembered explaining WHY he is this way.
The Freiza fight is way too long. I love it but man its too long. Found it hilarious his Xenomorph transformation got almost no time.
Goku and Piccolo learning to drive is the greatest filler episode of any anime series ever. FIGHT ME.
Trunks is the best character in the show. Badass debut, his characterization, his growth, just all of it is great.
Goku and Gohan training in the Time Chamber is great because it shows that Goku is actually a fantastic dad which blows up all the memes. Still a shitty husband but I don't blame him on that one.
Nothing about the Androids and how strong they are or how they work makes sense. at all.