DrVenkman PhD
You don't know me and you don't have to know me
Had two sessions of California Games with some friends over the weekend. Great times were had.
DieRalphDie said:They took the parts of the first game that were fun (mostly walking around not knowing what was coming next) and found ways to make it boring and frustrating. What a sequel needed was more complex puzzles and improved combat with more emphasis on exploration. They did pretty much exactly the opposite. They've almost eliminated combat entirely and now you have to wait and hit a button to counter so that you can push a button prompt to attack. There is no combat just stupid button pressing games that take away any atmosphere since it doesn't matter if someone pops out at you because you have to wait for the screen to tell you when to hit the fucking button anyway.
And don't get me started on trying to walk across a beam in this game. I want to cry.
KingPK said:I picked up Borderlands for $10 today. It was one of those games I didn't give enough time to since I got it from GameFly and just rushed through the campaign. Now I'm going to delve more into the side stuff and the DLC. I assume the best one to start with is the one that raises the level cap?
If anyone still plays, feel free to jump into my game.