Bret Hart pinned Mr. Perfect in 18:03 to win the Intercontinental title. An excellent match that easily stole the show. Believe it or not, even though Perfect worked the match in great pain (he’ll be out of action for an indefinite period of time and as of last word there was a good chance he’s going to need a spinal fusion or another form of major back surgery and there is even some concern that if he needs that serious of an operation that it may be a long time, or even never, when he returns), in some ways the back injury made him an even better worker. Perfect’s deal before getting hurt a few months back was to take one unbelievable bump after another, which can carry a match when he’s working with a guy who can’t do anything. But in this case, while he did a few big bumps, for obvious reasons he had to limit both their number and their wildness and was forced into wrestling a serious style match.