Everyone should actually listen to this. He level-headedly eviscerates Trump, it's fucking glorious. I really hope Biden is taking notes.
Some choice Sections:
"The number came from a projection from him, him. So he should read the reports he issues... So for him to say to anyone 'you relied on the projections and they were wrong,' they're youre projections mr. president. So, were we foolish for relying on your projections mr. president? CDC, coronavirus WH task force, that's you, white house, that's you... Don't suggest anyone made a mistake relying on your projections."
"I have said a number of times, I dont know what am i supposed to do, send a bouquet of flowers? They were very helpful on javits, very helpful on sending the US navy ship comfort, they were very helpful in intervening with china and getting ppe equipment out of china. They were very helpful in helping us find ventilators. I said thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."
"What if i said to the people of my state, 'okay, im done.' Btw, i saved hundreds of thousands of lives, i flattened the curve, i created more hospital beds than anyone ever have imagined, I coordinated the entire state, im done. Im done, Im going home. Im going to see my mother, spend time with my kids, and im going to go out fishing, in CT because their marinas are open. That's it, im done. What if i said that? That's what he's saying, 'i'm done, i dont want to help on testing, it's too hard.'"
"And then, the only thing he's doing, let's be honest, 'well, it's up to the states, to reopen.' btw it was always up to the states. What are you going to grant me what the constitution gave me before you were born? It's called the 10th amendment. I didn't need the president of the United States to tell me i'm Governor. And i didn't need the president of the United States to tell me the powers of a state. People did that, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, they are the ones who gave me the power. And I don't need the president of the united states to read the constitution for me. Maybe he should have read the constitution, before he said he had the power to open the states."
"Btw, i needed a stock pile, where was your stockpile? 10,000 ventilators for the nation? That was your stockpile. Were your projections, the federal projections said they would need double the hospital capacity of this nation. Think about that, the cdc says double the hospital capacity of the nation. The minimum projection was 2.4 million hospital beds. You know how many how hospital beds we have in this nation? 900,000. His projection says 2.4 mill hospital beds, the whole hospital system is only 900,000, and his stockpile has 10,000 ventilators. You were ready with your stockpile? Didn't you read your own cdc projections? Didn't you read your own coronavirus protection? So, thank you, again, Mr. President. For the javits, thank you for the US navy ship comfort... which btw, is just doing your job as president. Not really thank you, like you wrote a check yourself, but thank you, for that."