I guess if you need another way to look at it then the fact it takes longer for people to start a family now... and the usual patterns are that once they would they would usually get more active politically.
His attitude is totally piss poor and indicative of him as a person. However I think a level headed discussion could be had in regards to what elected officials make in regards to just not running and staying in the private sector. We want every day people representing us but can a retail worker making $30,000 afford to up and relocate to their state's capital? The nation's capital? Can they be excused from work multiple times a week/month for city hall business? Probably not, but the millionaire business owner paying a LOT more in taxes can. I get where the rep in the article is coming from at a base level, but he's being a dick about it.Sex Machine Gun said:http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/328615-gop-rep-bullcrap-to-say-taxpayers-pay-my-salary-i-pay-for
Try to tell me we're still a democratic nation. This person will be re-elected, I bet.
BOW DOWN said:Yeah if we need to find out what is racist it should be from 2017-18!
Since Brody did peanut butter and jelly I would think the best drink to have with it is racist.