I'm getting ready to move, but as of last week before I boxed everything up, I had the following all connected to my 40" Sony LCD:
XBox 360
Sega Genesis
Sega Dreamcast
My first ever system was an Atari that one of my Dad's coworkers gave him. I received an NES for Christmas when I was 7 or so, but that was the end of my parents buying systems for me, or even games for that matter. SMB was included with my NES, but I also got Skate or Die. I was forced to rent games growing up because my Parent's thought was, "you don't need any more games. You have two games already. Play those".
After that, my Dad told me that if I would save half the money for an SNES, he would pay the other half. That's fair. It took me about 9 months to save half the money, but I got my SNES and never looked back. After that, I saved my money for an N64, which I wanted purely for Mortal Kombat Trilogy. My Dad was so impressed I saved the $200+ for the system, that he got me MKT for Christmas. I saved up for a PSX shortly after and played those for the next couple of years.
I bought a Dreamcast on launch day, then did the same with the PS2 the following year. The year after that, I bought a Gamecube shortly after launch, and an XBox in early 2002.
I bought an Xbox 360 about 8 months after launch.
My first PS3 came about 6 months after launch. I worked at a Gamestop, and a customer was trading in his 20 GB system. He was only going to get a little over $100 for it, so I told him if he came back on payday, I would give him $200. This worked well for me, since they were still $499 at the time. I have since bought an origjnal 60GB system and upgraded the HDD to 500 GB.
I didn't get a Wii until 2011, and bought my WiiU on launch day.
My brain hurts from remembering all that.