
Vintage Independent Wrestling Thread: Discuss the Stars of Today Yesterday When They Were Stars of Tomorrow


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

Ken Resnick (looking like Bob Barker w/ his hair dye) and Missy Hyatt open the show.

Koko B. Ware vs Bill Pain

Ware has his WWF theme? Crowd is hot for Ware! WTF? Send this tape to WCW now!

Pain looks like one of the Colon brothers.

Lord Al Hayes on commentary. How surreal in this setting. Mick Karch is the play by play guy.

Fidel Sierra gets the insert promo.

Koko wins and the crowd again goes batshit. This is wild.

Boogaloo Brown promo. Is that racist? He’s shorter than Missy Hyatt, which seems like a non starter for a push. Missy Hyatt doesn’t want to fuck him.

Resnick w/ Slaughter. They are pretending it is 1984 and Sarge is still a massively beloved gimmick. He cuts a promo on fellow babyface Tito Santana. I’m so sad now that this wasn’t in my syndication market.

Nelson & Eddie Jackie vs The Rat Pack (Mr Hughes & Manny Fernandez) w/Sheik Adnan. Manny is the WCW jobber, not the JCP star. Why he chose to use the same name is beyond me.

Adnan is wearing his WWF gear from 5 years earlier and not his Sheik gear, which tickles me for some reason, especially since he came out right after Sarge’s promo.

Also naming a middle eastern oil baron’s team after Frank Sinatra’s and his buddies? (Mid South 1983!! Yeah I know)

Was this the promotion that paid fans to attend? That might explain why the heels are getting massive heat now. Manny uses MOVEZ and gets the win.

“Ronnie Twister” gets an inset promo. He has a Tornado gimmick. Does he use the Airplane spin for a finish?

Chris Adams(!) cuts a promo on Fidel Sierra. Adams says he isn’t a quitter. Should have quit the drinking.

Honky Tonk Man interview. Honky uses his WWF theme too. WTF??? He’s preparing a “franchise” or something and can’t reveal details. He calls out AWF champ Tito as well.

Generation X (? & ?) vs The Road Warriors (Hawk & Animal) The audio is kind of shitty, but I think they are playing Ozzy for the Warriors. Animal murders both jobbers in seconds like it is 1986. Crowd is again tossing babies in the air for the faces.

Rico Suave interview. Suave is a manager who looks like a smaller Don Vito.

The 1985 vibe continues as Tony Atlas screams.

We see a clip of Nailz throwing coffee at Atlas’ ass and slamming him on the cement.

I should note all commercials are included and I’ve gotten a kick out of N64 plugs, Caller ID boxes and NFL Gameday 97 (w/ the Packers!)

This is what you would expect. Atlas punches and Nailz chokes.

Steve Doll gets an insert promo. When you try and sell one half of Well Dunn as a hot up and comer, you are probably not long for this world.

Atlas locks on a sleeper and the crowd goes bonkers with chants. Yeah, something is certainly up.

More restholds, which Atlas can get away with since the crowd is programmed to go wild for anything.

Nailz is DQ’d for chucking Atlas over the top. I can’t tell if Atlas is selling or is totally blown up.

This was awful, of course. The locker room clears out (or the job squad at least) to break them up. WCW’s Nasty Ned might be one of the leather daddy’s who came in to the melee?

Sega Saturn is capable of hooking up to the INTERNET. Whoa!

Lord Al seems to like to see replay of entrances so he can psychoanalyze the guys as they come down the aisle.

WHAAAAAT!! The AWF commission is none other than JUMPING JIM BRUNZELL!!! LULZ. He fines both men, so another brawl breaks out.

NEXT WEEK Chris Adams vs Fidel Sierra in the main event! The VHS dub is so worn out, I thought Fidel was Hercules, which would fit right in with this Fed.

Had this been on Friday or Saturday nights in my area I would have been all over it.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

I definitely have this magazine from back in the day. I probably didn't see Balls wrestle until ECW made it on TNN. I didn't even know his full gimmick name for months as the Apters called him B. Mahoney to avoid the naughty verbiage.
I was still doing fantasy booking with him, based only on pics.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

My man Jules Strongbow just had another match pop up on the youtube. Can he survive the horrors of the cage?
I wish I would have watched this before posting. They have a heatless basic match. The announcer says the whole card is taking place in cage matches. There is a glove on a pole in one of the corners, slightly way from the cage, but it is not necessarily part of the gimmick, but just hanging out...odd.
The finish is Strongbow getting hit by a mysterious object from Starr's trunks. Jules lays there in a lump for mins on end as Starr tries to climb the cage but sells a crippling fear of heights. His partner, a delightfully low budget masked man named The HOOD runs down and tries to motivate Starr to climb. Jules is still just laying on the mat. The Hood climbs up the cage and physically forces Starr to climb down. Starr raises his hand in victory but SWERVE the ref DQ's Starr for the Hood helping him down. Jules is still not on his feet as he is declared the winner.
A lame finish and the babyface looked pretty weak.
Best part of the match was the Olympic building sign hovering over the ring.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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Rotten Ron is what wrestling is all about.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

Integral Poster
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John McAdam was at that West Warwick show and said people were legit terrified of Dr. D. It says something about how unhinged he was during that period where he’s still persona non grata with WWE.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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I've come around to believing Booker as a promo didn't fully find his groove until King Booker. Like he suddenly got comfortable and until you see how comfortable he got, you didn't notice how uncomfortable he could seem.

Big Papa Paegan

L. A. Z.
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Music City
Isn't that one of the reasons talent is paid better these days compared to then, the lack of allowed third party bookings?


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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There's an alternate timeline: what happens if Foley gets crippled by a sloppy Knobbs right before one of the most important matches of the era?