One Epic Winter (OEW)
Epic Reine
Duke has a prosthetic foot hence his awkward maneuvering.
Based on how it looks like his leg goes wonky right away, Kerry's 1988 tech was superior.Duke has a prosthetic foot hence his awkward maneuvering.
Scott Ian played guitar on that tracks! (And is briefly seen in the video).
I was going to follow Tatanka as they suggested, but his feed is loaded with retweets of right wing garbage.
Imagine THIS being the Tatanka look for the M$Corp
For the longest time I've thought Lex not actually being the one who took the money and becoming cocky, rich heel Lex in WWF was one of the big mistakes WWF made in the mid-90s.
Imagine THIS being the Tatanka look for the M$Corp
You wonder if Vince was too prideful to admit defeat on that one after spending so much time and effort the previous year to make Luger a star.For the longest time I've thought Lex not actually being the one who took the money and becoming cocky, rich heel Lex in WWF was one of the big mistakes WWF made in the mid-90s.
Heel Lex vs. Bret matches up so well.
May have been bad blood:Random thought I had the other day. With all the old acts that were brought back in 1994, how do you resist bringing back Akeem for a dance-off with Mabel?
Jake, I know you weren't quite in working shape but why wear a maternity shirt in the ring?
As a 10 year subscriber to the WWF magazine and a 4 or 5 year subscriber to RAW magazine, I read a lot of Lou's work. Russo has said the magazine staff was gutted during the lean years and Russo had limited help writing and filling out the mag.Former WWF Magazine writer Lou Gianfriddo who was famously put in the cross face chicken wing by Bob Backlund on Monday Night Raw during the period where Backlund was hitting it out the park as a heel in late 1994. Gianfriddo was an avid body builder as well. Lou saddenly passed on Friday at 55.
Why did they make an action figure of this era Jake!?He dropped the shirt towards the end of this run, though he probably shouldn't have!
I think a lot of the 90s era is "rose-colored glasses" nostalgia like that because there wasn't the IWC in the same way we have it now. Imagine the IWC outrage over Diesel/Shawn holding all the belts at once or situations like your post where the WWF "ruined" a monster's debut by having him lose to Virgil out of the gate lolwaytopushhimRIPhiscareer hot take.I really feel like the “anything can happen” aspect is one of my favorite things about the New Generation era but sometimes it was befuddling. Why debut a potential monster heel (in a time when the roster was shedding worse than a golden retriever) by having them put over Virgil? I don’t think Virgil beat a non jobber after this match!