Let’s Play FFXIV: Haukke Manor


Haukke Manor is a level 28-31 dungeon, located in the Central Shroud area of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. This dungeon will not be unlocked until you achieve the appropriate level, but also not until you reach a specific point in the main story. But don’t worry about that! No spoilers below! Just pure dungeon grinding goodness!


More about Haukke Manor: Once used by seedseers as a place for spiritual reflection and meditation, Haukke Manor was long frowned upon by the people of Gridania as a symbol of excess. After years of protest, the building was finally sold to a wealthy duskwight by the name of Lady Amandine. While little is known of the Lady, it was said that she was exceptionally vain, and that to maintain her impeccable beauty, she would spare no expense. From facial creams concocted from rare Coerthas honeys to shampoos derived from the milk of exotic phurbles, her daily ritual of beauty treatments escalated until it was rumored she was bathing in the blood of her virgin maidservants. No amount of man-made tinctures, however could hide the hideous scars she eventually suffered during the Calamity, and from that day forth she was forced to turn to a darker solution, signing away her very soul in a final effort to “save face”. ” (source: in-game description)


Written by dubq

writes all sorts of things for CultureCrossfire.com!

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