
Kamala's Random WCW Bullshit thread

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LOL, I remember watching that Nitro with my brother the night it aired. Pretty sure there was another time Disco brought out Elvis and he was chowing down on a sandwich on the way to the ring.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

In under 2 years Kurasawa went from breaking Hawk's arm to jobbing to a Disco Ball.
I wonder what Inoki thought when he saw the tape?
Furthermore, why pick Kurasawa for this trash?? They had a number of monster jobbers (Ron Studd, Roadblock, Ron Powers, Rick Fuller, etc) who would have worked just as well for the "Disco beats a HOSS via tomfoolery".
I too was watching this live. (IIRC)
My Grandpa was appalled by tables being used by Public Enemy, this may have taken him to the grave 3 years early had I shown it to him.

I've said it before but my Grandpa had a odd view on kayfabe for a farmer who went to a bunch of AWA shows in the 70s. When watching the aftermath of the Ron Bass vs Beefcake Hair vs Hair match from SNME, he commented "Bass might have been sleeping earlier, but he's just pretending now".
My Grandma stopped watching wrestling because Nick Bockwinkel cheating to keep the title pissed her off too much.

Wait, this isn't the AWA thread or the Hulkamania Era thread...


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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I better hear about how Dusty loved Mick's promos, Orndorff was thankful and thrilled at their feud, how Sting loved working with Mick and vice versa because he was up for anything and thus saved Mick from being a monster of the week, and that Mick considers himself a Watts guy.

I love Mick but I can already tell there's going to be a few repeats.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Let's see what ol' Kunze has to say about Halloween Havocs:

Ric Flair is definitely on a down-spin. He lost to Sting on Sunday at
the Cobo Hall in Detroit and couldn't beat Luger for the US belt the
week before at the Clash. Why is the NWA abusing this guy? It looks
like they're setting up an angle involving the team of Arn Anderson & Ric
vs. Doom for the World straps. Rumours has it that Ric and Double A will
take the belts at Halloween Havoc. In the mean time, we're all left
wondering what Flair's new gimmick will be, now that Jim Herd has
apparently decided that it's time for a change. Flair's new gimmick
can't be as bad as....Saba Simba,
Me too Herb, me too:
I can't believe that I'm actually happy about Terry Taylor's return to
the NWA. I've always thought that this guy could be one hell of a worker
if used correctly - I can hope.
Owen Hart is now saying he'll join the NWA in January, moved back from
December (moved back from Novemebr, moved back from September).
After reporting that Owen Hart will join the NWA in January, there
is now talk that he may actually make it in as early as late October.
Jack Victory can't be EVERYWHERE:
Both the Master Blasters and Maximum Overdrive, NWA newcomer tag
teams, have lost one member. Can't say I'm too upset.
The tentative card for NWA's Halloween Havoc on October 27th is:
* Sid Vicious vs. Sting (NWA World title match)
* Doom vs. Arn Anderson & Ric Flair (NWA Tag straps match)
* Lex Luger vs. Stan Hansen (US Title match)
* Steiners vs. Nasty Boys (US Tag straps match)
* Midnight Express vs. R'n'R Express
* Tommy Rich vs. Silencer (formerly of Maximum Overdrive)
* Terry Taylor vs. Blade Hunter
* Southern Boys vs. Master Blasters (probably a new combo, since 1
is gone)
* Junkfood Dog vs. Moondog Rex (ooooohhhhh, gaaaaawwwwd!)
* Freebirds vs. Youngbloods
The WWF is planning a card in Chicago the same night as the NWA's
Halloween Havoc takes place there. I guess Vince figures the
high-drawing Road Warriors will steal some of the crowd from the NWA
and make the PPV look poorly attended.
WWF @ Chicago, IL - Rosemont Horizon - October 27, 1990
Ron Garvin pinned the Brooklyn Brawler
Davey Boy Smith pinned Haku
Tito Santana pinned ? (sub. for the Barbarian)
The Big Bossman pinned the Barbarian (sub. for Bobby Heenan)
Ted Dibiase pinned Dusty Rhodes
WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart defeated the Honkytonk Man & Greg Valentine after Honky accidentally hit Valentine with his guitar
Randy Savage defeated WWF World Champion the Ultimate Warrior via count-out

Kamala is coming in
Rick Rick quit the WWF over his Summerslam payoff...
What will become of Rude? There was talk that he would be joining the
UWF, but he failed to show up. The latest word has it that he made a
stop in Atlanta and ventured into NWA headquarters. Rumours already
have him joining the Horsemen in the NWA, since it appears that Ric
Flair and Arn Anderson are on the outs (legit? or an angle?) after
having a locker room brawl.
And now some predictions for the Halloween Havoc PPV:
Tim Horner vs. Barry Horowitz.
Tim should put Barry over in a hard-fought bout that either could have
won several times. This helps give Barry credibility in his little
feud with Terry Taylor and minor heel push.
Taylor was feuding with HOROWITZ?!
R'N'R Express vs. Midnight Express
I thought that they'd do an injury angle at ringside a la the Rockers
at Summer Slam, but the Freebirds screwed that up this past weekend.
So I guess there'll be a substitute for Gibson who'll get pinned.
Perhaps the sub will be Tom Zenk, who they seem to be jobbing out.
- Terry Taylor vs. Dr X
Terry should be pushed as a wrestler's wrestler and win with science.
- Southern Boys vs. Master Blasters
I think they're going to try to force the Master Blasters at us, and so
they'll have to be put over as being tough. Probably a DQ win for the
Southern Boys, who get brutalized.
- Tommy Rich vs. J.W. Storm
Storm looks great, but he is a little stiff. No doubt Tommy Rich will
put him over since Rich has lost a lot of credibility already.
- Moondog Rex vs. Junkfood Dog
Who really cares? Maybe this'll be a winner & loser leave town match.
- Renegade Warriors vs. Freebirds
If they want to push the Freebirds as heels because of the Gibson
injury, they'll have to either win here or dish out a lot of punishment
and get diqualified. Maybe Morton will interfere when the Freebirds
down the referee and start double-teaming a Warrior. Then Tommy Rich
will run-in for the save, establishing the Morton-Rich team.
- Nasty Boys vs. Steiners
The right thing to do is pass the belts to the Nasty Boys - probably
with a screw job ending. I only like this because I want to liberate
Scott Steiner and mould him into a singles wrestler.
- Doom vs. Flair & Anderson
When was the last time Arn defended the TV title? I suppose if Flair
and Arn win the straps, they can have a TV title tournament on the
syndies for a month or two. I think that Doom will play the moderate
faces and that the heels will upset for the win.
- Lex Luger vs. Stan Hansen
It just isn't probable that Stan will win the belt, because of his
Japanese commitments. Luger needs the clean pinfall win on a PPV to
establish the fact that he can win cleanly in the middle of the ring
on the big card. He's still tainted after all those Horsemen screw
- Sting vs. Sid Vicious
Do we kill Sid at this PPV? I don't know. The best way to play it
is to keep things even for the most part and then have Sid "win" but
use the ropes or something for the win. The ref decides that the
match should continue and Sting gets a quick roll-up win, then gets
pummelled by Sid & the Horsemen, who run-in. Perhaps Luger runs in
to help Sting, but the odds are uneven, until....Doom runs in and
chases off the Horsemen. Doom and Luger & Sting face off, but Doom
ends up leaving the ring in a friendly manner, further facifying
them. Luger should share the spotlight with Sting only for a little
bit, give a grudging look towards Sting and that world title and
then leave. The show closes with Sting celebrating his win in the
ring a la Hulk Hogan. We have to end a big show with the champion
not lying on the ground! The "look" from Luger can be used later
next year when Luger and Sting face off in a face vs. face match
much like Hogan & Warrior did.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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The late '90/early '91 centered episodes of John Arezzi's podcast are filled with calls about when Owen Hart is coming in to WCW and how excited they are at the idea. It's very amusing when it ends up that he only does 3-4 matches for them.

It's too bad though cause I think Owen is a much better fit for '91-'93 WCW than '91-'93 WWF. Things turned out better in the long run though. Although in the long long term, for all of its faults, WCW had better safety protocols for stunts...


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Lol at that Herb Kunze bullshit about Barry Horowitz. I remember way too many things about 1990 wrestling but a Horowitz push/feud with Terry Taylor isn't one of them. Checked Cawthon just in case. Horowitz did a couple jobs for Taylor when he returned, jobbed again in a tag team match, and doesn't appear to have won any matches against anyone all year in WCW.


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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Herb Havoc notes for 1991:
Here comes the next big thing!!!
Van Hammer, the talk of Usenet ever since the Clash of Champions last
week, was signed by WCW just before the Clash. In a time when WCW is
not giving out contracts to many wrestlers (excluding the big names)
and is instead asking them to sign for $300 an appearance (which
incidentally was the reason Nikita Koloff left), they signed Mr. Hammer,
or should we call him Van, to a $75000 contract. Hence the clean
job by Terrence Taylor and the big push that will be Van Hammered
at us.
Early PPV sneak peek:
WCW's Halloween Havoc takes place on October 27th this year. Of course
the main event will be Lex Luger defending the WCW title against Ron
Simmons. Also, the Lightheavyweight champion will be crowned when
Brian Pillman defeats, er..., meets, Richard Morton. And there is
talk that Sting will team with Rick Steiner to face Abdullah the Butcher
and Cactus Jack Manson.
A week later he has much more:
Apparently, WCW's Halloween Havoc may also be available to Canadian
PPV audiences, with a price of $17.95 attached to it. The preliminary
line-up goes like this:
- Lex Luger vs. Ron Simmons for the WCW Title in a 2 out of 3
falls match
- Brian Pillman vs. Ricky Morton to crown the first WCW
Lightheavyweight champion
- The Enforcers vs. The Patriots for the WCW Tag Titles
- Steve Austin vs. Dustin Rhodes for the WCW TV Title
- P.N. News & Big Josh vs. The Creatures
- Bobby Eaton vs. Terry Taylor
No word on who are what the Creatures are going to be. Just be
thankful that there are no hunchbacks or Captain Hooks on the show.
There is also supposed to be a "Chambers of Horror" gimmick match,
which may be a Thunderdome match, or may be a stacked cage match,
or be something new (possibly wrestling in a maze...?). Also I'd
expect to see a Sting & Rick Steiner vs. Abdullah & Cactus Jack
match if Scott Steiner can't work the show, and some other mix-up
(maybe Steiners-Freebirds, Sting-Cactus for US Title) if Scott is
An Ultimate free agent?:
The strangest news report of the week is that the Ultimate Warrior
appeared at a WCW taping and was apparently offered a contract and
a program against Sting for the US Title. Wouldn't it be funny if
Dusty decided to have the Ultimate Warrior be the guy who was
sending Sting those gift boxes with Abdullah, Cactus, and a blonde
inside. A while back on one of the Canadian Power Hour shows,
Missy said she knew who the person was that was tormenting Sting.
The only hint she would give us was that the person was a former
tag team partner of Sting. It would seem that they've left the
door open for a strange reunion of the Bladerunnners.
Here comes the Copyright infringement:
Word has it that Demolitions Crush and Smash will be joining WCW
soon. It's also rumoured that Demolition Axe will leave the GWF
to come in and manage the Demos and work a three-man gimmick.
I'm not sure what this would mean about the booking of the GWF.
One Man Gang was fired for refusing to put over PN News
It looks like some rumours from last week have been proven to be
false. Barry Norman, WCW's public relations officer, says that
the Ultimate Warrior has not contacted the WCW offices as of
yet (maybe the person rumoured to have appeared at a WCW taping
was Ste....Nah!). Also, Demolition may not be heading in.
Oz vs Nightstalker? Be still my heart...
WCW is thinking of bringing back the legendary NightStalker. I'm
sure everybody remember that fantastic NightStalker vs. Sid Vicious
match at the Clash of Champions a while back. There's little
doubt they are planning a NightStalker vs. Van Hammer vs. Oz
three way angle. ;-)
Heyman seems trustworthy
As reported by Charlie Gavinelli, Paul E. Dangerously was suspended
with pay for leaking word of a title-vs.-title match between Lex
Luger and Jerry Lawler to his friend Eddie Gilbert. Jim Ross
will do commentary alone on the shows that Paul used to work.
The Glamour Girls!
Madusa Micelli worked the last set of WCW tapings. It seems that
Jim Ross wasn't lying. She is in as a wrestler along with some
other women like Leilani Kai and Judy Martin, so I guess WCW is
going to add yet another title to their organization.
Prepare for bear hugs
I can't wait for those Lex Luger vs. Bill Kazmaier matches before
the end of the year. ;-) They've all but told us that Ron Simmons
won't win the title. Jim Ross has been hinting at Lex Luger vs.
Rick Steiner and Luger vs. Kaz as future programs. Of course,
Lex Luger's contract is up at the end of November and the WWF
is putting out the feelers to him, so anything is possible.
Austin will never get over in New York:
Steve Austin's contract with WCW ends in November and apparently
he hasn't signed a deal with the company yet. So, if negotiations
fall through he may end up dropping the title to Dustin Rhodes
at Halloween Havoc. There are already rumours that "the Stunning
One, the Stunmeister, the Stunman, the St-St-St-St-St-Stunster
himself" as Diamond Dallas Page called him in one of his more
redundant moments will be jumping to the WWF.
Vader first feud is...
When Vad Vader returns in November, he'll begin a program with
P.N. News, which shows how impressed people are with Axl Rotten.
Herb's got jokes
Major shake-up in WCW, with Van Hammer winning the WCW Title from
Lex Luger, and Dusty Rhodes coming out of retirement to join his
son, Dustin, in beating the Enforcers for the WCW Tag Titles.
Okay, okay, actually it's Halloween and these are just scary
thoughts to go with the spirit of the day.
DOOT DOOT DOOT Don't Trust Anybody
Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin will be working singles matches for most
of the near future. Hayes will be moving into a feud with Steve Austin.
- Fans chanted "We want Flair!" during Van Hammer's TV squash
Some talk of Rick Martel showing up in WCW as a heel, working with
Paul E. Dangerously, Madusa, and Rick Rude. So while WCW, lost one
Ric, they may have gained three others, since rumours still persist
that Rick Steamboat will be brought in as well.
Who needs Flair when you have...
Mike Shaw should be returning to WCW. He'll work as Norman, but
will be a heel and will join forces with Abdullah & Cactus Jack.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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An Ultimate free agent?:
Yeah, the John Arezzi shows from this time period feature a lot of rumor and chitter chatter about Warrior returning to WCW.

Ya know we talk a lot about what wrestling insiders get wrong but Meltzer and Arezzi nailed that Warrior was locker room poison after he held up Vince at SummerSlam '91. And yet he STILL got three major failed comeback attempts (not to mention the indie stuff and the Italian tour).


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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Warrior would've injured a bunch of people and refused to work with a bunch of others. That said he and Rude in 1991-92 would've been even better than their last series, and I love those matches.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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Imagine Paul E. Dangerously cutting promos on The Warrior. Holy moly.

WCW signing Warrior in '91/'92 would have been dumb but less than WCW signing him in '98 or WWF signing him in '96 for that matter. WCW during that era really needed to make a splash and prime Warrior certainly would have given him that but it undoubtedly would have ended horribly and made it not worth it.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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I kind of doubt Warrior would have even outlasted Kip Frye tbh.

(Although I mean Warrior *did* work in Watts territory briefly albeit in a much different character, at a much different time in their lives & careers. My weird hunch is I think Warrior would have had a bigger problem working with Watts than Watts would working with Warrior. )


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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Probably would've gone fine but lowkey hostile until Watts told him to put one of his guys over. I can't see Warrior being thrilled at dropping a fall to Simmons or the MVC.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Havoc 92 notes:
Bill Watts pushing the minis:
Fans of the Jr. Heavyweights may be in a great position unless
somebody screws things up in WCW. At last night's Clash of Champions,
the title was declared vacant, with Bill Watts saying that a
tournament would be organized in the future. They also set up
a possible final with Brian Pillman turning heel and slapping
Brad Armstrong. Although there are some duds in the WCW
Lightheavyweight division, with Pillman, Armstrong, Jushin Riger,
the newly-signed Chris Benoit, and maybe even Lightning Kid
involved in the tourney, things could be very, very good.
Extreme SMW?
Reportedly, Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton will not be given new
contracts when their current ones run out at the end of the year.
They are supposedly already talking with Japanese promoters and
Smokey Mountain Wrestling. Paul E. Dangerously's contract still
runs for just over a year and a half, but it's no secret that
Watts doesn't want to use him any more, as evidence by the erosion
of the Dangerous Alliance. The Steiners will also have to take
a big pay cut if they stay on in the new year. With them jobbing
for Arn & Bobby this weekend on WTBS, one wonders.
- Dibiase is expected to head in to WCW
- Hercules (Super Invader) has been fired.
- Warlord may be coming in.
- Terry Taylor has been cut. He is expected to work Japan since WWF already used him as a jabroni in 88-90.
But wait...
Terry Taylor is back in the WWF. When he was canned by WCW, he
went to the WWF asking for a job. I don't know what the answer
was, but he then tried to arrange to be part of New Japan's October
tour. The NJ deal fell through because Terry didn't like their
money offer.
- JYD, Nash, Smothers and Mr Hughes are all fired from WCW.
- Sid may return for Havoc.
Rick Steiner injured his right pec in Japan when he and Scott
were defending the IWGP tag titles against Hiro Hase & Kensuke
Sasaki on 09/23/92. Reports have him out for the rest of the
year. The Steiners' contracts run out at the end of the year
and Bill Watts is offering them the standard $1000 a night,
but they are having trouble agreeing on how many dates should
be guaranteed.
Havoc possible matches:
- Steiners vs. Barry Windham & Dustin Rhodes
- Ricky Steamboat TV Title defence (vs. Steve Austin tentatively)
but it doesn't seem like either of these matches can possibly take
place (since Rick Steiner is out, and Steamboat has lost the TV
Title, assuming they air the match).
- Terry Gordy asked for more money and was canned.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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It's hard to believe that he'd arguably look even more doofier than this as his career progressed.

(although I thought the Giant Fonzalez leather jacket look he rocked when he was teasing a feud with Adam Bomb was kind of cool tbh)


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Havoc 93 notes:
Mean Gene making bank:
Serving as further evidence of the death of Hulkamania, Gene Okerlund
has jumped ship from the WWF to WCW. Okerlund joined the WWF at the
same time as Hulk Hogan did in 1983 and, at times, was the most
recognizable voice in the promotion. Both Okerlund and Bobby Heenan
were contemplating a jump, but Heenan remains in the WWF fold.
As a deal sweetener, Okerlund will take over control of the WCW 900
phone line and reportedly earn 35% of that income plus $250000 a
year. He will reported debut in WCW next week, working as a program
host of some sort and doing the magazine and event center segments.
Maybe we can get that Ricky Steamboat blow off:
Having beeen canned as the second Doink in the WWF, Steve Keirn
has been signed by WCW to work low level matches using his Skinner
WCW running an 80K stadium when they can't even make money on house shows?
WCW will supposedly run a Clash live from Wembley Stadium in London,
England, on 11/25/93 starting at 8:00pm London time. This means that
the show will air here on WTBS at 3:00 pm on Thanksgiving.
Imagine if our State of the Union was just a 75 min Mad Dog Vachon promo:
Both Canadian newspapers that I read today featured a picture
of NDP party leader arm-wrestling with Paul "Butcher" Vachon
while in Montreal during her federal election campaign. Vachon
is running for the NDP in a Montreal riding. Imagine him as
an elected politician.
Cheetum should have been in the Dungeon of Doom
Hulk Hogan is certainly being friendly with the stars of WCW.
He appeared at Ric Flair's gym in Charlotte and has also had
Sting over to his home and given the Stinger a role in an
upcoming episode of his syndicated TV show "Thunder in Paradise."
I guess Sting's beach experience with midget sharks and exploding
boats came in handy.
Oh this rumor again...
New Japan looks to be setting up Hulk Hogan vs. Antonio Inoki
for the Tokyo Dome show in the new year. Boy, that should be
Big $$$ Vader
Big Van Vader is finally putting the screws to WCW. Last week
there was mention that Vader had finally signed a contract with
WCW, but that seems to be questionable now. The current rumour
is that Vader wants a 6 year deal for nearly $10-million, saying
that's what he could make working Japan the majority of his
Sid's wacky adventures
Sid Vicious, unfortunately somebody that WCW can't lose right
now without some problems because of all the TV they've taped
and PPV promos they've put out, walked out of the WCW tapings
on 09/01/93. When he was asked to take a drug test, Sid
realized that he had left his Visine bottle in the car and
went to get it. Unfortunately, he couldn't find it amongst
the steroids in the glove compartment and the squeegees and
unused prison garb and shackles in the trunk and then saw
Mike Graham and Brian Pillman coming out to track him down,
so he was forced to race back inside the building and ask
to take the test in a few weeks because his dog ate his notes.
This didn't do, so in the end he walked out. Of course,
everybody made up eventually and everything is back in
order and the promotion continues to have a serious steroid
policy in effect: don't use them, don't get newly hired and
pushed directly into main events.
Satisfying like that first cup of coffee in the morning:
Arn Anderson & Sid Vicious were stabbed in England a couple of
nights ago. Reports have them in satisfactory condition.
Paul Roma was almost NOT the worst Horsemen of 1993??!?!!?
Dave Meltzer reports that the stuff that WCW taped teasing Erik
Watts as a potential Horsemen is just a tease.
On the 10/30/93 WCW SN show, Ric Flair & Sid Vicious will square off
in a television match to determine who gets the title shot at Van
Vader, with Flair coming out on top when Colonel Parker gets Sid
DQ'ed. This will lead to Sid turning face.
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6