
Star Wars Franchise Discussion

Kahran Ramsus

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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Vitamin X said:
Rendclaw said:
Also, Darth Maul should have been kept alive and been given a little bit of a better role. He didn't have to die in Episode I, and could have been the foil for Anakin, while Dooku could have been matched up directly with Obi-Wan.

I hate to be "that dork", but the reason this wouldn't work is because Dooku was serving as Palpatine's apprentice. There are always two Sith, one master and one apprentice, and Maul was Palpatine/"Darth Sidious"' apprentice in Episode I. If Maul was kept alive to Episode II, there'd be no reason for Dooku to be there.

I'm not a fan of the two Sith thing. It is too limiting.


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Southern New Jersey
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Kahran Ramsus said:
Vitamin X said:
Rendclaw said:
Also, Darth Maul should have been kept alive and been given a little bit of a better role. He didn't have to die in Episode I, and could have been the foil for Anakin, while Dooku could have been matched up directly with Obi-Wan.

I hate to be "that dork", but the reason this wouldn't work is because Dooku was serving as Palpatine's apprentice. There are always two Sith, one master and one apprentice, and Maul was Palpatine/"Darth Sidious"' apprentice in Episode I. If Maul was kept alive to Episode II, there'd be no reason for Dooku to be there.

I'm not a fan of the two Sith thing. It is too limiting.
It was kinda explained why in the Episode I novelization.

To sum-up...too many Sith = Sith Civil War. With only two, there's balance.

Black Lushus

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Omaha, NE
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

I was under the belief that there are several individuals out there that use the Dark Side of the Force or were Force sensitive and were leaning on the darker side yet are not actually identified as Sith. Wasn't that Mara Jade's deal, sorta, kinda?


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Abbotsford, BC
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

I'd say so yes. I think that it's safe to say there are any number of force users who are/lean to the dark side. The Sith are different from mere dark siders, they have their own mythology and customs.


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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Anybody else here ever play the Star Wars CCG? *crickets chirp*

Black Lushus

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Omaha, NE
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Maybe not anyone here, but around that same time I was dabbling with Marvel Overpower and I always saw people buying Star Wars decks, rare cards, packs, etc. Obviously it wasn't Magic popular or anything, but I would say it was high up there.


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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

I had the original starter kit, but since I was in third grade, I didn't understand it and none of my friends were even remotely interested.


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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

I bought a couple decks and played like one game with my one friend who also had them, but then we both lost interest. My only memory of that game was getting a black border Darth vader card, and eventually trading it for some rare ST:TNGCCG cards...yeah I played that one instead. Had like every card for the base set and first three expansions.


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Abbotsford, BC
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

I decided to try reading some of the clone wars era EU books and ordered some from the library. I've only received/read "Shatterpoint" I wasn't impressed but it was better than some books in the EU.

Of the stuff I've read which is pretty much everything up to the book or so after Chewie dies I think the Black Fleet trilogy might have been the worst. The trilogy with Han's evil cousin and the super jedi brats wasn't great either IMO.

Kahran Ramsus

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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

AboveAverage484 said:
Anybody else here ever play the Star Wars CCG? *crickets chirp*

I did. It was a big fad when I was in Grade 9. Still have my cards too.

Anakin Flair

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St. Louis
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

cobainwasmurdered said:
I decided to try reading some of the clone wars era EU books and ordered some from the library. I've only received/read "Shatterpoint" I wasn't impressed but it was better than some books in the EU.

Of the stuff I've read which is pretty much everything up to the book or so after Chewie dies I think the Black Fleet trilogy might have been the worst. The trilogy with Han's evil cousin and the super jedi brats wasn't great either IMO.

I think Black Fleet Crisis is considered to be the worst Star Wars EU series out there, actually. As for the other series you names, it's the Centerpoint trilogy. And it was beyond terrible.

Sure, it had a decent plot idea, but the execution was terrible. And I'm not necessarily talking about the characters, I'm talking about the writing (piss-poor) and the editing (non-existant). To be clear- I actually downloaded a bunch of Star Wars e-books, and thought that my copies had been corrupted or the conversion had gone bad. So I actually went out and bought the third book- and all of the grammatical and spelling errors were actually IN THE PRINTED NOVEL. That's the kind of shit that gets on my nerves- If I'm actually gonna pay for a book, you better use spell check on the manuscript.


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Ann Arbor, MI
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Vitamin X said:
Rendclaw said:
Also, Darth Maul should have been kept alive and been given a little bit of a better role. He didn't have to die in Episode I, and could have been the foil for Anakin, while Dooku could have been matched up directly with Obi-Wan.

I hate to be "that dork", but the reason this wouldn't work is because Dooku was serving as Palpatine's apprentice. There are always two Sith, one master and one apprentice, and Maul was Palpatine/"Darth Sidious"' apprentice in Episode I. If Maul was kept alive to Episode II, there'd be no reason for Dooku to be there.

It could have been redone to where Maul was Dooku's apprentice, or something like that. Ray Park brought the fucking house in that lightsaber fight, and considering how much better Qui-Gon was than Obi-Wan and Maul ate his lunch only for Obi-Wan to get lucky and take Maul out, it was a touch of a come down.

And now that I think about it, I don't think Dooku was at the "apprentice" stage with Palpatine anymore, considering his level of power... remember that he defeated both Obi-Wan and Anakin, even if he was shocked by Anakin's level of power before he got serious and cut his arm off. I think it might have been along the lines of a dark side version of the relationship Obi-Wan and Yoda have.

And as for the worst series in the EU, that honor goes to Kevin Anderson Jedi Academy trilogy, which was only made palatable because Michael Stackpole took one of the ancillary characters and tied it into his excellent novel, I, Jedi. The story was crap, and I say that knowing there are some really shitty novels and trilogies in the EU. But the Jedi Academy trilogy is a huge, steaming pile of excrement.

Now playing: Dokken - [Back For the Attack #06] Mr. Scary [foobar2000 v0.9.6.8]
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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

G4 has been running live coverage of Star Wars at Comic Con. Since it's G4, it is excruciating.


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Houston, Texas
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Rendclaw said:
And as for the worst series in the EU, that honor goes to Kevin Anderson Jedi Academy trilogy, which was only made palatable because Michael Stackpole took one of the ancillary characters and tied it into his excellent novel, I, Jedi. The story was crap, and I say that knowing there are some really shitty novels and trilogies in the EU. But the Jedi Academy trilogy is a huge, steaming pile of excrement.

Man, I, Jedi brought the house down. Corran Horn has been probably one of my favorite EU characters, and the way Stackpole managed to retcon him into the awful JA happenings without throwing the continuity completely out of whack was tremendous. Plus it had an almost over-the-top antagonist, humor, Jedis kicking the crap out of wanna-be Jedis, and Mirax and Mara.

I would maim several people if it would get the X-Wing novels made in to a TV series, even if they had to have the slowest plot development EVER since it wouldn't make for a very long series otherwise. All 9 books are great, which is wierd considering they had to introduce a nearly completely new cast of characters halfway though the series. I just hope they get someone suitably heroic looking to play Horn. The guy I've seen in most pictures portraying him in RL looks like a cranky uncle with a bad perm.


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Ann Arbor, MI
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Conspiracy_Victim said:
Rendclaw said:
And as for the worst series in the EU, that honor goes to Kevin Anderson Jedi Academy trilogy, which was only made palatable because Michael Stackpole took one of the ancillary characters and tied it into his excellent novel, I, Jedi. The story was crap, and I say that knowing there are some really shitty novels and trilogies in the EU. But the Jedi Academy trilogy is a huge, steaming pile of excrement.

Man, I, Jedi brought the house down. Corran Horn has been probably one of my favorite EU characters, and the way Stackpole managed to retcon him into the awful JA happenings without throwing the continuity completely out of whack was tremendous. Plus it had an almost over-the-top antagonist, humor, Jedis kicking the crap out of wanna-be Jedis, and Mirax and Mara.

I would maim several people if it would get the X-Wing novels made in to a TV series, even if they had to have the slowest plot development EVER since it wouldn't make for a very long series otherwise. All 9 books are great, which is wierd considering they had to introduce a nearly completely new cast of characters halfway though the series. I just hope they get someone suitably heroic looking to play Horn. The guy I've seen in most pictures portraying him in RL looks like a cranky uncle with a bad perm.

EDIT: I was saying three or four eps per book but for a TV series you could stretch it out to maybe five or six if you mined the hell out of those books, and of course Stackpole has a hand in creative. Some Top Gun elements (the good ones, not the homoerotic ones), a little bit of a giveaway as to the traitor, some narration by Corran himself and a lot of good effects, and you have something that the adults and the kids will love.

I would love Wraith Squadron as well, because that one is a lot crazier and funnier. The almost haphazard way that they get the missions done, the practical joking, and an "old" Wedge Antillies quietly going insane from it all...

Though he wouldn;t do it, Ryan Reynolds would make an excellent Wes Janson.

Obi Chris Kenobi

Personal Text goes here, Venkman
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The Internet
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Rogue Squadron would probably be best bet for a TV series, but then that would be too easy.


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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts


And there we have some promotional material for season 2 of the Clone Wars. Does anyone watch this show? I've seen more than a few episodes some have been a joy to watch but there has been a few clunkers. The only problem is - they have a lot of new villains in this show - and I just wonder how they will get rid of these new villains before the timeline of Episode 3 begins. The Clone Wars were relatively short compared to other wars in the Star Wars universe - it only lasted three years.
And on a minor note: Everytime I see Bossk now, I always think of his appearance on Robot Chicken's Star Wars Episode II Special.
Black Lushus said:
CBright, how can R2 use his rockets if he's actually inside the swamp? My thought? He must have been somewhat demodified somewhere down the line. Maybe because of his habit for wandering?
Old post, but I must reply. Thats a good point. When I made that post, it had been awhile since I had watched Empire and thought R2 willingly jumped into the water. I thought "why didnt he just use his rockets to fly to land instead of swim to land and not get eaten by that creature?" but when I did watch it, he fell in. So I guess that makes that point mute.


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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

My brother is a bounty hunter, luke-o. :-\

[/Robot Chicken reference]


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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

They're more likely Mandalorians (or wannabe Mandalorians)


2016/17 Poster of the Year
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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Sabre said:
Isnt that what Fett was?
Yes, except (and it's been awhile since I read wookiepedia so I may be wrong) I thought the Jedi wiped out all of the Mandalorians sans Jango in a huge battle once.

EDIT - Nope, I was right.

Some one hundred years before the Battle of Yavin, the leader of the Mandalorians was assassinated by the bounty hunter Durge. The Mandalorians struck back, and inflicted terrible tortures on the bounty hunter, but he managed to escape and entered into hibernation to heal his wounds.

In 60 BBY a schism occurred in their ranks. A violent splinter group, known as the Mandalorian Death Watch, revolted against the leadership of Jaster Mereel, who led the True Mandalorian loyalist faction, due to Mereel's proposed Supercommando Codex reforms. A third faction, the New Mandalorians, embraced pacifism.[9]

Jango Fett leading the Mandalorians at the Battle of Galidraan.Eventually the civil war between these groups spilled over to the pastoral world of Concord Dawn. Here the Death Watch leader Vizsla attempted to murder Jaster. However, thanks to the assistance of a young orphan named Jango Fett, Jaster and his followers escaped the trap. Eventually, Vizsla caught up to Jaster and the Mandalorians on a distant world and, due to the treachery of fellow Mandalorian Montross, Jaster Mereel was killed in battle.

Jaster's protégé, Jango, took over the reins of leadership, despite Montross's disparaging comment that it would mean a "child leading them." Jango's tenure as Mandalorian leader ended at the Battle of Galidraan, where a Jedi task force under the leadership of Master Dooku led to the death of every remaining Mandalorian, except for Jango. Dooku remembered Jango and later employed Jango to be the Prime Clone after Dooku left the Jedi Order.


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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Sabre said:
Isnt that what Fett was?

There's a difference between a wannabe Nazi and a wannabe Hitler (from a certain point of view), if that helps make my point clear


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Detroit, Michigan
Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

Well, the Season 2 Opener got off the ground. I liked a lot more than the last season (Most of which I thought was head-bangingly stupid), mostly because they managed to create a credible villain. Last season was all about the Separatists getting beaten in more and more humiliating ways; Grievous stands out as someone who could previously wreck groups of experienced Jedi, and now has to run from Padawans and a few Clone Troopers with grapple guns. I mean, fuck, talk about character regression.

The sad part? This villain being so competent only makes all the others look even crappier. Hopefully this will signal the Jedi getting beaten back because, right now, it's very difficult to see why the Clone Wars went on as long as they did.


2016/17 Poster of the Year
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Star Wars Thread II: A Lack of the Posts

I must admit - I was a bit skeptical with Cade Bane when he was first introduced - especially with the silly hat - but these episodes have won him over for me. Bane is probably my favorite voice by Corey Burton since Braniac.

However, I get the feeling that he will go out like a bitch when this tv show concludes

Oh and I also marked for the Nute Gunray cameos in the second episode. Hopefully he will play a big part in season 2.

I remember when the Clone Wars were first mentioned in A New Hope, I thought it was a war that lasted possibly a decade or more. So you can imagine my surprise when things from Episode III started to leak and I heard it only lasted three years.