
WWF New Generation Thread III


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Anderson, IN
Randy Savage's last WWF match, 30 years ago yesterday

WWF @ Rostock, Germany – Stadthalle – September 13, 1994 (sell out)
IRS pinned the 1-2-3 Kid
WWF Women’s Champion Alundra Blayze pinned Bull Nakano
Mabel pinned Bam Bam Bigelow
The Undertaker defeated Crush (sub. for Yokozuna) in a casket match; the casket was damaged after the previous night’s match and completely broke at the end of the match
Jeff Jarrett pinned Doink the Clown
WWF Tag Team Champions Shawn Michaels & Diesel defeated WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon & Lex Luger via disqualificiation when Ramon was caught using a foreign object
WWF World Champion Bret Hart & Randy Savage defeated Owen Hart & Jim Neidhart


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They followed that Raw with a Bret/Shawn/Taker three-way dark match which ended with Bret pinning Shawn, proving that HBK was willing to do business and Bret was a crybaby who was going to bring the belt onto Nitro.


Integral Poster
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I actually went to the Raw in Albany the day after the MSG show so god damn that was 27 years ago today


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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I was so in for that. Probably could've gotten more out of Bundy than they did, really. Bret/Bundy is one of those matches I'm sure happened but I've always wanted to see.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
I was so in for that. Probably could've gotten more out of Bundy than they did, really. Bret/Bundy is one of those matches I'm sure happened but I've always wanted to see.
They straight up teased in in the WWF mag by showing Bundy's outline and saying a former star is coming back to take Bret's belt.

They worked house shows for sure, but I can't recall a TV angle off hand.

The Bundy teaser above confused me at first as I thought we had some geek announcer I had zero recollection of. We need to find Stephanie Wyiant(Sp?) and Charlie Minn and bring them back to the next Legends RAW. Joe Fowler too, fuck it


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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I really wanted Bundy/Diesel, too, and in hindsight it probably would've been a good enough match to justify. If Nash is as game as he was with Mabel (uphill climb though it was) and Bundy is feeling it, it could work until they decided they didn't want to lose to each other.

Bret wrote a column about Bundy around this time and how he was after him. Total missed shot for at least a Raw or something.

I love Stephanie Wyand and think she should get some redemption. WWE not doing a Table For 3 with her, Renee, and Mike McGuirk is still bullshit.


Integral Poster
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I must've been 11 when that aired but I remember liking the 80s throwback style of that video.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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My brother was a huge Bundy mark so I inherited some of that. Brought him back as a fan very briefly.

Bundy/Waltman would've slapped, too.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Tommy Dreamer on why King Kong Bundy is not a WWE Hall of Famer:
“I’m working in Talent Relations for WWE. This is when Randy Orton was doing the ‘Legend K!ller’ and he is going into a feud with The Undertaker. For Atlanta, Georgia, they wanted someone out of The Undertaker’s past to do something and show up. So, it had to be a heel. So we are all thinking and they ask, creative would shoot an e-mail to Talent Relations for suggestions. So, I’m going through my Rolodex brain of all these guys. I was like ‘Ted DiBiase, King Kong Bundy, Jimmy Snuka’. I don’t remember the rest. It came back ‘Man, King Kong Bundy would be a great idea, do you have information for him?’ I said ‘I could get it.'
Now, I gotta explain something to you in WWE. When you are behind the scenes like that, sometimes, this was on a Thursday, when they come up with a creative idea, and they ask you to contact this person. It feels like if you’re the person doing that job, and you have whole different departments, it’s like the stock market will stop. The WWE will shut down until you hear back from King Kong Bundy. So I make the call and 15 minutes go by, 30 minutes go by. Then you start getting texts, ‘Anything?’ so, I got nothing… Now John (Laurinitis) is like ‘Anything, Anything?'
I was like ‘Dude, I left him a message.’ He’s like ‘you have his cell phone number?’ I was like ‘I have one number, that’s how I got him.’ Next day, I come back to my office, I sit down and I see my thing is flashing.
Then I get the message. ‘Hey Dreamer, it’s Chris Bundy, man. How are you doing?’ I have to backtrack and tell you the message I left him. I was like ‘Hey Chris, it’s Tommy Dreamer. I hope you are doing well. I work in WWE now with talent relations. We have a creative idea for you, if you’re interested.’ and I left my number. Fast forward to the next day. ‘Hey Tommy, it’s Chris Bundy, man. How are you doing? Congratulations on the spot. Hey man, this is not on you. I’ve always been cool with you, always been friends with you. I need you to relay this message to WWE. Especially to Vince McMahon. Number one, you need to tell him that he needs to pay me the money that he owes me. Number two, unless there is a creative idea for me winning the title, I have no interest in it, because he promised me the title when I put over Hulk Hogan, and he never delivered. So please go tell him to go f*** himself. Tommy I love you, remember when I wanted to be your brother? Take care brother.'
So, I’m not the most politically correct person, so I send out an email that is copied to everyone in WWE. This is to Vince McMahon, Bruce Prichard, Michael Hayes, Stephanie McMahon, John Laurinitis. I said ‘King Kong Bundy has reached out and declined the offer.’ and I get ‘what did he say?’ and I say ‘he was not too happy with the current climate of WWE’ and then I got ‘what did he say?'
Then I was like alright. I said exactly what he said. Number one, he wants the money he was owed. Number two, unless we have the idea to put the title on him, he has no interest and to tell Vince to go f*** himself. Within four minutes of sending that e-mail. Here comes John Laurinitis, who is my boss, he goes ‘What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you send that?’ I went ‘What? they kept asking.’ Johnny said 'You just told Vince McMahon to go f*** himself!' I said, ‘I did not tell Vince McMahon to go f*** himself, I said King Kong Bundy told Vince to go f*** himself.'
Then the reply was from the Chairman, a man’s man. He just wrote back ‘moving forward.’ So uh, that was my King Kong Bundy story. For a lot of people who inquired about why he isn’t a WWE Hall of Famer, apparently, he has some behind the scenes issues.”

There was also a story that when asked about the HOF the year Hogan went in, Bundy wanted a Mania payoff

Hawk 34

Integral Poster
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All I hear is Ernie Ladd saying “Bundy you big fat piece of shit, you just dumbed yourself out of position” any time I see a story about Bundy and his backstage shenanigans.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6
Should've gotten Mabel's push in 95.
Flaring up Bundy by making him "King" Kong Bundy doesn't sound like the worst idea. He was kind of dropped into 1994 like nothing had changed since Jan 88.

Wanting him to draw with Bret, yet reintroducing him via comedic sketches doesn't seem like the best plan. What's the highlight of his run outside of getting a WM match with Taker? Doesn't he pin Lex to win SSeries?

Sort of like like when they signed Typhoon to replace Quake in 94 and didn't bother to change up his gimmick at all. Sort of giving him zero chance at a fresh start. It was already Ottman's 3rd WWF gimmick (Big Steel Man worked house shows and made the Apter mags with Slick as his manager) so maybe they were over it.


Integral Poster
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[quote author=BRODY link=topic=7317.msg606823#msg6

-They must have trusted Sid vs Vader to do a lot of heavy lifting since they didn't book Shawn in a title match. (Shawn worked a tag vs Vader on RAW and Austin on the go home show.) Taker and Mankind had already worked on 2 PPVs before this.
- The Mr Perfect/HHH angle with Mero happens 24 hours later, ending poor HHH having to eat some pins for shitting on kayfabe in the biggest market in the US.
- Fake Razor and Diesel had debuted on RAW the night after the last PPV....and didn't have a role here?
- IIRC Savio vs Austin was randomly booked for this PPV months after their feud and HHH was a last second sub. I used to think this was some sort of soft test of an Austin face turn but they booked a lot of face vs face and heel vs heel stuff in this era as "Tough guy" matches or somesuch
- This is the last stand of the Smoking Gunns. If they were planning on trying to push Billy, why not change up his gimmick? He's still in the Smoking Gunns clothes up to the New Age Outlaws era IIRC. It was made worse by Bart also keeping the same clothes. With Corny being removed by Mason from Owen and Bulldog, it would have been fun (maybe) if he had taken the Gunns on as his new charges. However, wasn't part of the Gunns imploding was supposed to have been Billy and Sunny being teased as lovers, so Jim is the odd man out (Well...he did like 3 ways IRL....)
You probably have to try and book Billy vs Bart since they had been around for over 3 years as a team, but splitting and keeping Bart as a heel could have led to Corny taking him on as a charge and trying to find him a partner. Dr. Tom one week, Bradshaw one week. Carl LeDuc (with Corny hyping up Joe LeDuc's heritage) one week, maybe some vintage WWF comedy with Sal Sincere trading in his Italian hat for a cowboy hat one week, Corny can be rebuked by rookie sensations Rocky Miavia and Mark Henry etc.


Integral Poster
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That Buried Alive match with Austin was probably Hunter's first, truly good singles match, unless I'm blanking on something else.


Trailer Park Supervisor
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-They must have trusted Sid vs Vader to do a lot of heavy lifting since they didn't book Shawn in a title match. (Shawn worked a tag vs Vader on RAW and Austin on the go home show.) Taker and Mankind had already worked on 2 PPVs before this.
- The Mr Perfect/HHH angle with Mero happens 24 hours later, ending poor HHH having to eat some pins for shitting on kayfabe in the biggest market in the US.
- Fake Razor and Diesel had debuted on RAW the night after the last PPV....and didn't have a role here?
- IIRC Savio vs Austin was randomly booked for this PPV months after their feud and HHH was a last second sub. I used to think this was some sort of soft test of an Austin face turn but they booked a lot of face vs face and heel vs heel stuff in this era as "Tough guy" matches or somesuch
- This is the last stand of the Smoking Gunns. If they were planning on trying to push Billy, why not change up his gimmick? He's still in the Smoking Gunns clothes up to the New Age Outlaws era IIRC. It was made worse by Bart also keeping the same clothes. With Corny being removed by Mason from Owen and Bulldog, it would have been fun (maybe) if he had taken the Gunns on as his new charges. However, wasn't part of the Gunns imploding was supposed to have been Billy and Sunny being teased as lovers, so Jim is the odd man out (Well...he did like 3 ways IRL....)
You probably have to try and book Billy vs Bart since they had been around for over 3 years as a team, but splitting and keeping Bart as a heel could have led to Corny taking him on as a charge and trying to find him a partner. Dr. Tom one week, Bradshaw one week. Carl LeDuc (with Corny hyping up Joe LeDuc's heritage) one week, maybe some vintage WWF comedy with Sal Sincere trading in his Italian hat for a cowboy hat one week, Corny can be rebuked by rookie sensations Rocky Miavia and Mark Henry etc.
The treatment of Sunny starting in the Fall of 96 always baffled me. She was a rising star as the bitchy, coniving manager. But, starting that Fall she didn't really do anything for 18 months other than guest ring announce or model t shirts. I never got why she didn't move up the ladder and start managing someone else that Fall. It really seems like a wasted opportunity.

I know by the Fall of 97 her star had already fallen due to a combination of her attitude, ego, drug use and the rise of Sable. And at the time the theory was you only wanted 1 "Pam Anderson" of the WWF as 2 would just dilute the star power. But, I don't think any of those things would have prevented that in the Fall of 96. I was always curious why they took Sunny off the road as I feel it made her less of a star.


Integral Poster
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She probably refused weird looking McMahon and/or his friends.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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After Faarooq bombed they seemed to just give up on her as a manager until LOD. Kept her as just a personality, which is fine, but she added nothing. If she was in the doghouse in any meaningful way she'd have been off TV once Sable began rising.

She'd have fit so well with the Outlaws.


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When did she stop humping Shawn?
I don’t know for sure but I always assumed it was before the clique put shit in her food, which was in the spring of ‘96.

WON 10/7/96:
They did an interview where Faarooq and Sunny had an amicable split since Sunny is being taken off the road, both to do the Live Wire every Saturday morning, and also, with Skip no longer on the road, Sunny was getting heat with a lot of people.


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Anderson, IN
I read recently somewhere that Terry Funk was supposed to be one of the Knights at Survivor Series 1993. Is this true? Doesn't seem like a spot he would be interested in.