
AEW in Fall 2022- Spreading lies and bullshit to the media.


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In Norfolk on 10/26, it was noted that several of the top people were saying that Punk would not be back. A few names were mentioned with Chris Jericho being the name mentioned most but that many if not most of the key top names were saying that they wouldn’t work with him.

One top star noted, “Punk won’t be back. His value on screen isn’t one percent worth the hassle and black cloud he causes backstage.”

Another top star noted the team has decided he’s out and regardless of some being willing to work with him, the collective decided that he was voted off the island.
As for other updates, as of the last word we have, there had been no communication between WWE with either Punk or Steel as of several days ago. Legally there still couldn’t be with Punk, since he is still under contract to AEW. There is no indication one way or the other of Paul Levesque or Nick Khan’s feelings on this matter, as it is very tricky for obvious reasons. Punk would return to a giant reaction and help business, particularly at first. But very bad feelings exist and the AEW stint likely didn’t help his track record as far as him internally would go. The Cody Rhodes reaction by the fans also tells the story about how it would probably be very good for WWE and not so good for AEW to have Punk on their television, and the wrestling war is still very huge as shown by WWE’s reactions almost weekly.

Steel was said to just want to move past this, was bummed that it happened and the online harassment of him has been gigantic, although that goes for every person involved in the story.

“A completely made up story,” said one person close to the other side. “He’s (Punk) losing (in the investigation results) and is desperate. There was a multiple weeks long investigation and this was oddly not discovered? Hmm. Also, it’s so happened to be mentioned the moment there was news about (the Bucks & Omega) possibly coming back? It’s insane that people would even humor this,” and noted about the entire investigation on the situation being completed and how it turned out.

Another person there at the time said it’s very clear that the story about the dog never happened.

Another person who was in the room seconds after the incident started who is not affiliated with either side, although ended up negative to Punk after it all went down, said, “The dog story is a complete lie. When the altercation was happening Punk was a total psycho and could’ve career PF less about the dog. Kenny picked the dog up to save him from being hurt and gave him to Megha. Megha was holding the dog screaming at Punk to stop. Punk didn’t even register that his `baby’ was being held by a stranger in the middle of a fight. It didn’t stop him one bit.”

The person said they saw everything exactly as it happened and said, “They never spoke to Lucy Guy (the only person in the room who didn’t work regularly for AEW other than the security), cause she was a non factor. Sat in the corner the whole time as her husband was throwing chairs, punches and biting Kenny.”

Fall of Epic

Epic Reine
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Draw or not, you can't keep someone around that's actively hurting your locker room and spreading bad morale. Regardless of your opinion of Kenny and the Bucks, you can't really say "well they need to suck it up" and keep Punk around. There was almost no backstage drama before Punk came along.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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The best argument Punk apologists have on Twitter this AM is "Uh... it was all sourced by Jericho! He is such a locker room politician! His wife participated in the January 6th insurrection!"

I know Jericho's got his own agenda and lord knows I don't love defending his IRL behavior in 2022 BUT aside from the MVP feud, he's always seemed fairly honest and transparent when it comes to locker room politics. Aside from MVP, I feel like he's been on the right side (just like his wife would want?) of most of his locker room beefs.


Integral Poster
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Punk coming back was the reason I really got hardcore back into AEW and wrestling in general. With all that's come out he's totally in the wrong in this situation and no way you can bring him back and alienate the entire locker room. He basically dug his own grave ...he's done in AEW and rightfully so.
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West Point
Yeah I'm not a big fan of theirs but it would take mental gymnastics at this point in order to blame them for what happened. The whole thing is just nuts, I don't know how something so innocuous could turn into all this. This isn't 1980 anymore dude nobody's gonna shoot on you during a main event and try to break your leg. Tony should have gotten involved so much sooner with the Colt problem but when you're that paranoid I don't even know if that would really have helped.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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Another damning thing is Punk, one of the most outspoken people in the history of pro wrestling, hasn't made any sort of statement in the past 8 weeks. I'd like to think it's cause he knows he messed up badly.

The more I hear about the story, the less likely I think Punk will ever work in wrestling again. At least until he's an old man doing the HOF circuit and wanting to avoid deathbed grudges.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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Loving that the guy who actually has done MMA was scurred of getting legit beaten up.


Staff member
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West Point
The best argument Punk apologists have on Twitter this AM is "Uh... it was all sourced by Jericho! He is such a locker room politician! His wife participated in the January 6th insurrection!"

I know Jericho's got his own agenda and lord knows I don't love defending his IRL behavior in 2022 BUT aside from the MVP feud, he's always seemed fairly honest and transparent when it comes to locker room politics. Aside from MVP, I feel like he's been on the right side (just like his wife would want?) of most of his locker room beefs.
To this point it was most likely sourced by MJF because other than the lawyer lady supposedly he and Pat Buck were the neutral parties standing there watching the entire thing. So it came from one of them. People like Jericho showed up in the middle of it.

I am hoping for a reenactment of this at some point.


Integral Poster
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I really think everyone involved is to blame on some level.

Punk gets mad about the rumor flying around the dirt sheets that The Elite were saying he was trying to get Colt fired, when he allegedly wasn’t. I’d probably be a little mad about that too. Workplace rumors and drama are bullshit. But it’s wrestling so where people making a hotdog per match and millionaires all tend to act like children.

The Elite as EVPs should have gone and talked to him long before Brawl Out happened. If you want the money and the title, you need to accept the responsibility that comes with it. It’s not like it was a secret that Punk was mad or the rumors that were going around.

This was totally a situation that should have never gotten to where it did

As for the actual fight, I can understand why Punk acted like he’s said to have acted. He was hurt, tired and felt slighted. I’m not saying I condone how he acted, but I understand.

The press conference was 50/50 Punk and TK’s fault. He shouldn’t have done what he did but TK should have pulled the plug or told him to shut up or something, rather than sitting there gobsmacked.

I want to add, as a dog dad I 100% commend Kenny on keeping Larry safe.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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As for the actual fight, I can understand why Punk acted like he’s said to have acted. He was hurt, tired and felt slighted. I’m not saying I condone how he acted, but I understand.
Yeah, I kind of understand CM Punk flipping out. You see the guys that you've been calling out, come in with a HR person. I understand it from The Elite's perspective as a tactful and smart move but also if I'm CM Punk, it does look weak and cowardly. I can see how it triggered a meltdown even if it was exactly 100% wrong thing to do. Obviously, he was in the wrong in the fight from the sounds of it but I kind of get how he snapped. In his eyes, too many things went wrong too often and he broke.
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Staff member
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West Point
Punk gets mad about the rumor flying around the dirt sheets that The Elite were saying he was trying to get Colt fired, when he allegedly wasn’t. I’d probably be a little mad about that too. Workplace rumors and drama are bullshit. But it’s wrestling so where people making a hotdog per match and millionaires all tend to act like children.

The Elite as EVPs should have gone and talked to him long before Brawl Out happened. If you want the money and the title, you need to accept the responsibility that comes with it. It’s not like it was a secret that Punk was mad or the rumors that were going around.
I would be mad too but they weren't the source of those rumors. So then it gets weird. The other problem is he wasn't there for anyone to talk to and it seems he would be completely unreceptive to that anyway. Punk also has a problem with not vocalizing his opinion until it's way past the point of overboard too. He said this himself back when he left WWE. He also said during the Double or Nothing press conference back when he won the title (after Hangman's comment was supposed to have triggered him) that he was really happy with how everything was going. So then he goes away and comes straight back to TV and starts making weird comments about Hangman before anyone has a chance to say anything to him? I dunno. There's also the distinct possibility that people were told not to mess with him because they didn't want to risk him walking out of the company. Based on what he said during the All Out press conference he at least thought about quitting when he said Hangman made him angry. There's a lot of contradictory stuff here, to the point where I don't know how it's realistic to handle someone who swings so wildly back and forth.

It seems like if anyone other than Punk is to blame it's Tony. He's the one who caused this issue with Colt. Back in July he was asked point blank about it and smiled at the reporter and said no comment. What kind of pussy shit is that? I don't feel like his answer would have changed anything, but at some point you have to address the problems you create.

That all being said I feel like there must be more of this kind of shit that happened since Punk showed up and it's only a matter of time before we find out about more of it.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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My friend went to the AEW Rampage taping last night in CT. It sounded like it was complete ass. They preceded the live episode of Rampage with 17 '90s WWF/WCW syndicated TV style squash matches before the crummy episode of Rampage. Arena looked a little under half full. Seemed like the only highlight was a Rey Fenix/AR Fox match taped for Dark : Elevation.

I don't want to be AEW is doomed guy but it's very annoying when Tony Khan talks about how he wants to make Rampage an important show but then combines the worst aspects of a syndicated TV taping with the worst aspects of a WCW Thunder taping...

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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He also said it was the first AEW taping he went to that didn't offer meet & greets. It seems like they're really testing the patience of hardcore fans *and* casual fans.


Rasslin' Rambler
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Mankato, MN
Yeah I read the spoilers from the rest of the taping and then add that to what Rampage was, which was pretty much a complete throwaway show, and I think they need to re-evaulate doing more live Rampages until they are willing to actually make them much more standout and worthwhile in what they line up for the live broadcast. Still think they need to do the fuck away with the format and presentation of Dark and Elevation too and just either do dark matches for the live crowd only during Dynamite and Rampage or just turn them into fully seperated ROH stuff with matches, promos and such with a pretty completely different roster that can be easily seperated now with this roster bloated as fuck (putting it midly). The stuff they are setting up for next week for Dynamite and Rampage don't sound too great other than the Tyson thing in Atlantic City, but maybe creatively they will do something decent with him to set something up that gets people talking a bit (maybe revisit the Jericho/Tyson tease from before?)

And I think having Cabana be the mystery guy against Jericho next week would be tremendous. At this point why delegate him exclusively to the ROH roster either by the way, get him back in Dark Order. That seemed to be what really all started this Punk/Page/Elite stuff up. While most of us didn't give a fuck that's how they dealt with the Punk/Cabana issue internally, I can see from a locker room perspective how the optics are bad on that, Cabana was essentially never brouight to AEW TV although tons of talent have worked both AEW and ROH since the purchase. Cabana only got to curtain jerk the ROH ppvs on the preshows. You're basically having a talent sit home just to playcate to one single talent. Khan really never should have made that decision to do it that way with Colt, whether or not Punk demanded that as a condition to sign with AEW is another contentious point nobody has ever said but I'm sure it was in the least done to acquiese Punk to sign by Khan.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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It's stunning that they don't seem to have the mental bandwidth to book two important seeming shows. If they only have the creative capacity to do Dynamite and PLEs/PPVs, then maybe they should just do that and stop wasting everyone's time.

I think AEW's roster is huge enough to warrant C/D shows but it just seems mismanaged. C/D shows should primarily be for not ready for primetime talent and midcard dudes that are out of the rotation but they have borderline main event dudes like Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castignoli having competitive matches. It just seems like a jumbled mess.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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I think Colt was the guy spreading those rumors and that’s why we haven’t seen him even with Punk gone. I don’t want to see this guy ever again in my life tbh.
It's probably best for everyone involved that he spends the rest of his career on the indies, where he can be with people who love and understand him (adults who are financially dependent on their parents)
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Staff member
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Abbotsford, BC
good lord why would anyone want Cabana back on TV in 2022 (or 2012)? he hasn't done anything interesting or worthwhile and he was the catalyst behind all of this. It's so weird for people to talk about worthless guys cashing cheques or ROH guys taking up space and then want Cabana back.