
AEW in Fall 2022- Spreading lies and bullshit to the media.

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
The problem with doing just squash matches on Dark is it helps no one. They don't do house shows, and only certain wrestlers still work indies. Dark should be for the wrestlers to get reps in matches that will make them better. It started out exactly how Joey says in the Tweets. When Dark first started, they had top talent on there doing competitive matches and the YouTube views were pretty damn good, especially for a startup company. I get changing things during the pandemic, and I commend Tony for bringing in indie talent that lost jobs during the pandemic. Now that they can run normal shows again, it should go back to that, and if you bring in indie talent, top indie talent, then AR Fox vs Fenix is the matches they should be having.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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The LOL was not out of disagreement but towards one of the mostly criticized guys of early AEW is now criticizing AEW (and is kind of right).

I said it a page or two back, the YouTube shows have lost the plot. IMO, it should be undercard dudes (IE guys not regularly featured on Dynamite and Rampage) having competitive matches with 1-2 mid-card matches up top. Ideally with prominent indie guys sprinkled throughout (and an undertrained 45 year old in a kilt). Instead, it's a hodgepodge of all types of matches but mostly squashes with basically everyone, including guys like Cesaro and Kingston, who shouldn't be doing these C/D shows.

I agree with Janela's point later on ITT where he said AEW needs a small house show loop (similar to NXT's Coconut Loop) for the younger guys to get their reps in. Way things are headed, I'm afraid AEW is going to repeat the same mistake WWE has of just pushing the same small handful of folks year in and year out with little change.

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
Tony really needs to hire someone to help him book, but with him being on the spectrum, that's a very hard ask for him. While I still really like AEW, the shows have lost their way a bit. Dark used to be what Rampage really is now. Have some bigger names on there that aren't being used on Dynamite. They also had the idea of cycling guys in and out after stories played out to give them time off or on Dark for less matches, and then push new guys. That way if a top name was out, you could plug another guy in the spot if needed. The pandemic, along with injures changed that second part, but they really need to get back to that. It keeps guys healthy and stories fresh. Get another writer to help with stories on Rampage. Try things out on Dark, and for the love of all things, Let Christopher Daniels, or Jerry Lynn book ROH.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Representing Blacks Without Soul since 1975
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Riverdale, GA
Squashes are fine. But why on earth would I go out of my way to watch one?
I like squash matches because I like it when midcard/lower card guys are allowed to get their shit in, and I know it's never going to happen when they get brought up to TV to put over the upper card/main event guys. I like to see midcard/lower card guys actually win matches with their finishers, so that I can at least suspend disbelief in my own mind when I'm watching Dynamite and Rampage that, hey, there might actually be an upset if a midcarder can get their finisher off!

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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I definitely think squashes can be useful to be build up (or tear down) a character but in a crowded marketplace in 2022, I don't think a show that's predominantly squash matches is going to have a lot of appeal. Even the oldsters who grew up with the 60 minute show that is mostly squashes format have moved on.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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Janela's wrong. Squash matches are exactly why Dark exist: to show what someone can do and so you can get excited when they get the chance to do so on a major stage. You see what kind of cool things someone does, then look forward to what happens when that person is against someone of a higher level. With a roster that big it's essential people who don't get time also get a chance to look good, just in case, like Dennis Stamp with flips. Regardless people will bitch if squash matchs happen at all anywhere while in the same breath hate that actual competitive matches happen between two people who should not be having that kind of match anyway, TV or online or whatever.

Main event should always be a fairly competitive match, though. Whole show of just squashes is lame unless the rest is used to build up everything else via promos, but unless something like that has started in the past few months Dark doesn't do that.


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Abbotsford, BC
There's nothing wrong with squash matches and it's a youtube show.

Tony doesn't really need to bring in other bookers, he needs to cut back on what he is doing. ROH shouldn't exist. how many of the strong runs of companies were done with multiple bookers compared to one? There aren't that many. The issue is less that tony needs help booking and more that he needs help everywhere else so he can focus on booking.


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Yes I'm still not sure why this myth of ROH being real much less relevant is an indicator that it will need someone to book it, or why it's being considered something worth wasting resources on at any stage. Of all the issues or arguments about how TK could need someone to help him, that's the least by lightyears.

Tony really needs to hire someone to help him book, but with him being on the spectrum, that's a very hard ask for him.

This is kind of fucked up, too.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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There's nothing wrong with squash matches and it's a youtube show.
I guess Janela's point is kind of moot. What does anything matter storyline wise on a YouTube show that's rarely if ever brought up in the main storyline canon? Why risk getting anyone injured in one of these YT matches? Am I a good person?

This is kind of fucked up, too.
Yeah. I've never heard anything about Tony Khan being autistic and even if he was, it's still kind of messed up!


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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I definitely think he probably is, and would be surprised he wasn't. Like I really would nto be shocked to learn that he's autistic and uses substances to try and deal with it. But to assume that is a negative to his ability is not fair. Being condescending and abelist is that much worse, frankly.

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
I definitely think he probably is, and would be surprised he wasn't. Like I really would nto be shocked to learn that he's autistic and uses substances to try and deal with it. But to assume that is a negative to his ability is not fair. Being condescending and abelist is that much worse, frankly.

It's not assuming it to be negative. My daughter is on the spectrum and there are certain characteristics that people on the spectrum share, or exhibit, and one of them is doing everything themselves when working on projects. I wasn't using it as a negative, but an explanation for why he wouldn't want to give up control of doing everything.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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It's not assuming it to be negative. My daughter is on the spectrum and there are certain characteristics that people on the spectrum share, or exhibit, and one of them is doing everything themselves when working on projects. I wasn't using it as a negative, but an explanation for why he wouldn't want to give up control of doing everything.
It just is an over-generalization that I see a lot. Not every person on the spectrum operates the same, and that's one of those things that has become in many ways a negative stereotype in my personal experience. Sometimes people don't know how to ask or offer to help in the "right" way (that way that makes sense to the person, you know?) and that can be taken as assuming that someone on the spectrum doesn't want help. While it's common it isn't an end-all be-all. But this is too far into my other experience wheelhouse and getting away from TK and his fake underpants fighting.

Re: Punk, if he doesn't make AEW work then he's absolutely gonna work some US NJPW cards. I only specify "US" because I don't think he'll want to travel much at this point in his life. I don't think WWE would be good for anyone involved and there is no way he lowers himself to Impact or the indies at this point either. So what I'm saying is he starts a dojo and a podcast.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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If there's one guy that would inspire another money mark to come out of the woodwork to start a #3 promotion, it's Punk. If he is physically able to wrestle in the relatively near future, I think he'll hope that third time will be the charm RE: ending his career on the right note.

I didn't believe the report that came out the other day about Punk being ready to retire and focus on acting. His ego is too big and I don't think he's got the acting ability and/or charisma to make it worth it at this point IMO.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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No money mark will offer Punk what he wants nor will get any return on investment when it doesn't work out. Punk would be Jarrett 2003-levels if he had such clout in a promotion, anyway. Besides Punk's ego says that by the issues in WWE and AEW that feeling forced to build a new promotion just around him will be an admission of failure. Only chance he'd have of something like that would be buying into somewhere else that has an established audience or resources and I don't know if D'more or even Corgan would be into that.

Big Beard Booty Daddy

Canadian Destroyer213
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College Point, NY
If there's one guy that would inspire another money mark to come out of the woodwork to start a #3 promotion, it's Punk. If he is physically able to wrestle in the relatively near future, I think he'll hope that third time will be the charm RE: ending his career on the right note.

I didn't believe the report that came out the other day about Punk being ready to retire and focus on acting. His ego is too big and I don't think he's got the acting ability and/or charisma to make it worth it at this point IMO.

We do have that company that Freddie Prinze, Jr. wanted to start. He can have his big name now.

Cackling Co Pilot Kamala

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CM Punk might be the right guy for Triller to get into pro wrestling with tbh. I just don't know if there is an opponent outside of the WWE and AEW umbrella that could draw the wrestling equivalent of a Tyson Vs Roy Jones Jr or Jake Paul fight.


Retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
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In a world where there's a well-known money mark (a Freddie not a Conrad), who would also be willing to be onscreen sometimes, there's definitely a better shot at finding somewhere. Wrestling is cheap to produce and has a built-in audience with a Punk on top, so somewhere like Paramount+ or something* might not be totally out of the question. There would be legs on a broadcasting level, even if they'd be short and fucked up like a Dickensian child.

A real problem would be, in a scenario where a promotion could happen with Punk as the centerpiece, that no one would want to work there. Even his AEW bros wouldn't go for it unless it was a sure thing, and even THEN said bros wouldn't want to burn that bridge. Punk has spent 20 years alienating people and his last bit of goodwill for a ton of people was used up at the scrum. He'd have to hire all new younger guys (and Ace Steel) who even if they're talented are not ready for primetime, and would have to deal with some serious poaching when the time came because he alienated a lot of them too. It would be a major task of building a body around a cancer and having it live.

*I seriously believe that Shudder could make a wrestling promotion work if they wanted given how many fans are involved with them.


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West Point
Punk will only come back if it's with WWE, that being said that is likely to explode far quicker, and they won't be amenable to him and will be asking him to do things he doesn't like. The ENTIRE reason they'd bring him in is to use his name to put other people over. How do you think that would go lmao. HHH isn't star struck like Tony and he will have those difficult conversations with Punk immediately. He has heat with Punk so he'd firstly establish who runs the show and he'd tell him how things are going to go, and this is just how it would be. Punk is also too toxic to be in the locker room full time, nor would he want to be there. AEW avoided it by having him work guys like Bobby Fish, they didn't want to ask him to put people over and ultimately things turned out in the end where he didn't really put anyone over. You could avoid these difficult conversations for a while by having him work matches with guys like AJ Styles, Randy Orton, other people on that level but then you have the problem of those guys not wanting to put Punk over and Punk wanting to be higher up the card. It doesn't work. I would love for them to try it because it's interesting and we'd all be sitting there waiting to see how long it took before everything blew up.


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West Point
Also, when you tell Punk that he can't work the style he worked over the last year (bleeding all the time) I bet he wouldn't do it. There is major value in how AEW let him wrestle, it was a lot of things he didn't do in WWE and that's part of why it was so great and engaging. None of that is going to happen in WWE. It's the same reason Mox won't go back there, these guys are cool with being told who to put over and shit but you're not gonna tell them how to do it.

Big Papa Paegan

L. A. Z.
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Music City
Rey Fenix is one of the best workers in North America. Period. That finishing sequence there (1:43 onward in that clip) is a thing of beauty in both execution and substance, as it shows that Fox may have been close to getting one over on him but Fenix is that much better.

Personally? I don't see a problem with undercard talents getting jobbed to uppercard ones, but there has to be a good balance of back-and-forth between similarly slotted talents. Competitive matches should be reserved for either a) talents on a similar card tier or b) telling the story of elevating an undercard talent. Having a ME level worker going 50/50 or 60/40 with a curtain jerker helps no one, but having two midcard guys do it makes sense.

Card hierarchies exist for a reason, but they should be fluid.