Re: Amalgamated Whedon - Dollhouse and previous, better shows
Wrapped up Angel 4 and Buffy 7... a couple of weeks ago. Thoughts:
Angel season 4
-Another solid season overall. After a bad first season and an uneven second season Angel finally strides for a second year in a row.
-Conner was less obnoxious the second time around. Easier teen angst to deal with over Dawn.
-Wesley's glasses and Fred's Texas accent are things of the past by the start of this season.
-"Spin the Bottle" - Didn't care for the episode too much. It felt like they wanted to make Tabula Rasa, but for Angel. They couldn't come right out and make the exact same episode. So they made almost exactly the same episode.
-"Awakening" was another one I didn't like. It was all just a dream episode that only filled space.
-I never cared for the Cordelia character on Angel. Thought she was a good fit for Buffy, but the character ran its course there. It would have been better for me to just end her there. The forced romance story with Angel just wasn't any good for me. It's like they needed a woman in the life of their main character, so she would do.
-The Jasmine storyline felt like a letdown after the big Beast/Angelus/Faith storyline. After the first half of the first Jasmine episode I was already tired of it this time. "Oh you're beautiful, we love you, thank you for everything..." It was just episode after episode of this over and over again. I'm also not crazy about how they just so happen to fall into the way to destroy her. They just so happen to find themselves into the sewers for an unrelated issue, and find a way into a world that knows her.
-The first person to see Jasmine for what she really is was Sam Witwer. AKA Aidan from Syfy's Being Human. AKA Doomsday from Smallville. AKA Neil Perry the fake Ice Truck Killer from Dexter. AKA... that zombie Rick shot in the tank at the end of the Walking Dead's first episode.
-Lorne's singing. And the singing in general is all off key or the tempo has been changed. I imagine that's to avoid paying fees, but it's distracting when nearly every song just sounds off.
-The Beast story was killer. It's a shame they sent the character out like a bitch.
-Despite my bitching, I enjoyed this season a lot.
Buffy season 7
-Little weird thinking there's a chance this could be the last time I ever watch the series. I'm minimum a decade away from watching again if at all.
-While not a bad season, it all bleeds together. If you name previous season episodes there's a better than 50/50 chance I'll know what episode it was just based on the name. Season 7, I have little to no idea what's what. It just all felt like one big episode.
-Dawn. Back to hating her full force. Michelle is not the world's strongest actress. And when she's showing angst and anger it's often cringe worthy.
-Back to bad acting. The slayers in training in general were not good actresses. The two English ones and Eve early on. It's just bad acting and bad accents. The one that played Rona was also pretty bad. Good call leaving Kennedy to do most of the heavy lifting.
-Much like Angel. On Buffy they just so happen to find what it takes to beat the bad guy at the last minute and out of nowhere.
-Nathan Fillion was great as Caleb. One scene I really liked was where he confronts Buffy at the school. It was after he'd already beaten her and her team down. And here he is showing up at her work, where she's alone and just out in the open.
-While the scene at the end of the first episode with all of the Big Bads with Spike was cool, it didn't make total sense from a storyline with Spike. Spike did not have any run-ins with The Master or The Mayor. So while it was a cool scene, it shouldn't have had any impact with Spike.
-"Oops." This is one the writers have fallen back on a time too many
-Bad guy says something to reveal that they are the bad guy
-Good Guy: "But I thought you said..." or "How did you know..." or "but I never..."
-Bad Guy: "oops"
-And I know another one is coming up next year on Angel.
-I liked the callbacks to previous seasons here. The girl turning invisible in school because she's not being noticed. The Cheese Man popping into Andrew and Johnathan's dream's. "The world is doomed' in the last episode.
-Andrew... Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. I hate the character. I was ok with him being an obnoxious bad guy in season 6, but he was on the show way way way too much in season 7. The annoyance far outweighed the comedy he brought.
-9. That is the number of black characters that have appeared on Buffy that made some sort of impact. By that I mean more than one episode, and had speaking lines. You've got The first slayer, Kendra, Rona, Nikki Wood, Robin Wood, Olivia, Forrest, Mr. Trick, and a guidance counselor that was in season 3 or 4 for a couple of episodes.
-The home bases were
-Seasons 1-3 The Library
-Season 4 Giles' House
-Seasons 5-6 The Magic Box
-Season 7 Buffy's House
I think that's all I got. Good shit.