Amalgamated Whedon - Dollhouse and previous, better shows
Logo's run on 1/1 is starting with 2.06 Reptile Boy through 2.22 Becoming Part 2 for Buffy.
1/2 then has Go Fish and Killed By Death at 6 PM/7 PM ET
Nothing is airing on 1/3.
I can understand starting with S2 for the Angelus arc and the fact that it's their first full season (i.e. they can get 18 hours' worth of episodes) but I wouldn't have minded if they kind of do what TNT does and had Season 1 aired for 12 hours and then 2.01 - 2.06 as their marathon before airing the 2.07 episode on the next night at 6 PM/7 PM.
1/4 they have S4's Hush and Doomed on at the 6/7 slot.
1/5 they have S6's Once More, With Feeling on the 6 slot (edited obviously).
Looks like Logo's just trying to air arguably (I prefer S3) the best season and then the most proclaimed episodes of the series as a way to try and pull viewers in to the station/show.
How would you set up the show for its initial airing with the idea that you're trying to hook/introduce viewers to the show?
18 Hours - 6 Season 1 Episodes, 12 Season 2 Episodes
- Season 1: 1.01 WTTH/1.02 The Harvest (Introduces Buffy and Crew along with The Master and Angel), 1.06 The Pack (Sets up the Willow/Buffy/Xander relationship triangle and foreshadows 1.12), 1.07 Angel (Sets up the Buffy/Angel relationship and features Angel/Darla), 1.10 Nightmares (A highlight of S1 and includes a Buffy/Master scene), 1.12 Prophecy Girl for obvious reasons.
- Season 2: 2.01 When She Was Bad (Follows up on The Master), 2.03 School Hard (Introduces Spike/Drusilla), 2.06 Halloween (Includes a Buffy/Spike scene and is fun), 2.07 Lie To Me (Sets up Angel/Drusilla/Spike), 2.08 The Dark Age (Sets up Giles history and Giles/Jenny), 2.13 Surprise/2.14 Innocence (Introduces Angelus), 2.15 Phases (Sets up the Willow/Oz relationship), 2.16 Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered (Funny episode that focuses on Xander and includes an Angel/Drusilla scene), 2.17 Passion (Turns Angelus into a major asshole. Jenny's death means something for viewers), 2.21/2.22 Becoming Parts 1 and 2 (Wraps up Season 2).
Basically hits all of the key points while setting up several relationships without making the viewer too confused: Buffy/Angel, Willow/Oz, Xander/Cordelia sorta..., Spike/Drusilla/Angelus, and Giles/Jenny